
Am I the only one who REALLY wanted him to clip that house?

“If English was good enough for Jesus...”

I’d like to hear why you think French is such a “stupid mess” of a language.

To be fair, French words are fun.

Gotta get that water pretty close to put out the fire. Get the real plane/chopper too close to the drone, it hits and they crashes.

A little ass drone can fuck up a helicopter’s rotors and send the whole thing crashing down.

Because the drone could crash into the helicopter, damage it, and cause all 9500 litres of water w/ bonus helicopter to fall into the fire.

They should be charged with at least involuntary manslaughter if someone dies because the drone prevented rescue. And their punishement if guilty should be death by fire. And it should be televised so other drone owners understand the stakes.

If you fly your drone over a wilfdfire to dick around, your drone gets shot down and you pay a $10,000 fine. Actually, I’m being too lenient there.

The correct answer is The O’Neill.


not even one day after Julius Kivimaki was given a two year suspended sentence and walked off laughing, the LS twitter feed boasted about how they had a free pass. lo and behold, away they go. thousands of peoples lives inconvenienced by these little pricks.

That explains why me and my friend couldn’t fucking play Planetside 2 yesterday. We had to go play TF2 instead :(. SCREW YOU LIZARD SQUAD!

This sentence is an absolute Joke. It is basically terrorism what he did and he did it for the LOLS.... It should have been much much higher and not with an suspension.

I have to say: I work in the art department of a major prime-time network television show and that shit would probably work here. I went over to the stages yesterday and, despite having never met any of the people there, got to walk around on all the sets with zero interference or questions, taking pictures to my

I perform 99% of my work from home. Yesterday I had to go into the office for the first time in over two years. Luckily my badge still worked, and I was able enter the building. I hopped onto the elevator and followed someone through a badge scanning door. I didn’t know if my card would work on that floor but I took

So the dev’s don’t want this getting out and you decided is was a good idea to post it on Kotaku? Seems like the guy who snuck in and stole food isn’t the only douche bag around. Whatever it takes to get a story I guess.

Why did the Reddit mods delete this? I mean, I understand removing the address, but why the entire thread?