
Everyone crying about, i wanna know if i like it or not, learn how to read reviews or watch gameplay, find youreslf someone or a site that has some consistency, and gleen what you need from that. You can still get some truth out of the shitty sites that take bribes.

3rd parties were excited for the wii u

But would he have all the train dlc?

Oh idk, the anti native american racism in it for starters?


Don't go public with it then? You can be a private company.

I could see them aiming this at younger kids, but those kids in the commercial wouldn’t ever buy or want that crap.

Snores would be the guntank

Maybe this is proof they tested it on a ps4k/ps4.5 or just in the Devon software on a crazy pc

That really sucks, and she’s super cute. :(

Anyone doing that more than once shouldn't be playing multiplayer games, honestly.

Target or the company that sells them their LPDAs(the smaller ones usually reserved for managers, I think that's what they're called) makes the Mario coin noise, always drove me nuts.

Usually you can get refurbed consoles from Nintendo for $200ish dollars, still has a warranty through them and usually has games included.

What's that gif from, all I know is it's a show I've been meaning to watch

There is a subset of the population that does that, I'd rather not find out anything more on the subject but I'm sure you could find out on Reddit or Wikipedia?

possibly the camera port and it has 2 usb 3.0 ports

I can understand why they'd want to clean up the levels but have different teirs for the levels, levels are black and white.

I’ve had my number for 10 years now and every once in a while, I still get calls for the guy who had it before me, the first 2 years I got them all the time.

I don't know how people like those

Never seen lobster rolls in the mid west