
The worst part is all the bots on android, they run virtualized instances of it on servers that pretend to be non name brand models so people can't make accounts for things like Instagram on them.

screw china, and especially screw resellers, get a real job ya lazy bums

the industry and the community at large need to accept thatt the current system of games taking multi millions of dollars to make is unsustainable, especially with how the majority feel about dlc/season pass stuff.

I'd be surprised if it gets one with how bad piracy is on android

I know tacobell is nothing like the real stuff but I love it

"people generally know the sales tax in their area"? Most urban people don't even know how taxes work when you buy something, they just think they're being fucked over some how, just because.

I'm assuming they're adding a lot or completely redoing the toddler phase and for the pools, I'm assuming they're tired of people killing their sims in the pool.

what's wrong with the first one? Also the swing one is a little too low

vending machines are so intergral to the Japanese way of life, I'm surprised they don't have the right to vote.

based on likes? Fuck off

I did not meet the criteria for the alpha :/ anyone know what it was?

Sony want holding back supply, they were selling them and shipping them as fast as they could, at most you could blame them for sending them to other markets.

or they're just buying the cheapest next gen system

I personally think E3 is waste of money, time, and resources. I'd rather have them use all those things on the games themselves. It's just a screaming match where nothing gets through.

maybe if Canada's money was worth more…

I eat heir read it in school or saw it on one of the educational tv shows, I'm sure you could google it

USB extension cable

no one thought to send someone with some milk crates? A chair even? Ffs japan

if I were him I'd totally snag those games if there are games in the cases