depending on state and city laws you need state ID at some GameStops for store credit too, plus you get points on trade ins too.
depending on state and city laws you need state ID at some GameStops for store credit too, plus you get points on trade ins too.
Apple devices have fewer screen sizes, for tablets there's retina/non retina iPads, for supported phones and iPods there's iPhone 5/s/c, iPhone 4/s sizes, that's it, unless they support the 3GS, then there's that size too, android has dozens and dozens of resolutions to support, plus a lot of the hardware crashes apps…
Cover art should have to be taken from within the game, I hate when games have box art that's an actuall person.
I haven't read all the articles out there but has facebook committed to supporting car like that? I doubt it.
I don't see how computers are going to code themselves
I've never disagreed with something on kotaku so much, the title of this article is wrong, it is entirely acceptable.
If I lived near there, those otters would be so fat from me giving them snacks.
I don't see why Microsoft never did this with xb360, if I wanted to here people scream profanities and slurs at me I would have made different life choices.
I work at a GameStop and it's technically possible, though he's probably going to get banned from reserving or all together from that store if the management decides that he's just wasting their time, gamestop doesn't make any interest on people's reserve money, I've seen this happen on much lower volumes, he really…
We need better pants technology
Not only does that make them look bad on the shelf but it makes it harder for people to buy gifts or pick up for others
gamestop is a fickle beast, and their management can be even more so, but we learn 1000 lessons in failure, none in winning
So it's all murder and farts?
If I were living in japan, I would be trying to get everyone I knew to contact their representatives and tell them that they see this as an attack on Japan from china, I would not rest until something changed this for the better.
I completely agree that Americas prison system is fucked, but if you murder 77 people, that's it, no more, don't pass go, don't collect $200, don't even get sent to jail, executed, end of story.
13 was about the age I was when I first saw porn, never did anything to my sisters or female relatives, some bad shit happened to some tissues though...