
Somone on here who is more articulate than myself and is a US citizen needs to start a campaign on to make the president have to get the ball rolling on making PayPal behave, he can even go the route of "they're hindering job creation" so he can get that shit passed.

Anyone who is a fan of the mcrib is an eningma to me

So where does she put the pirate hat when she's not using it as a parachute?

If I had a wii u I would have bought it, but I don't and won't for a while.

This is why preorders are helpful to game companies, if the majority of the people that were going to buy it would have preordered then they would have been able to figure out how many servers they'd need and there would be less issues.

The first run of the budaki hd collection had amazing cover art on the inside I honestly bought a copy just for the reversible art, the standard case art is trash compared to it.

I'd bet money that a significant amount of the Zelda being played is on emulators on computers running windows. Especially the older ones.

At launch, maybe, but in the long run, the price point is going to kill the XBone, the majority of people who buy consoles, buy them to make their kids shut up, unless Microsoft can get another exclusive that truly innovates like halo did over the first 3 games, it's going to have to work very hard to keep pace.

You sure it doesn't stand for lazy story? Fucking A kotaku, quit allowing stupid articles onto your twitter feed.

My XL came with a power cord…?

Crocicane or crocnami?

They should use the phrase, "What we promised you in 2009, it's finally here!"

The real question is, can it work just as well on people of darker complections, most cameras have this issue.

There's 2 things fat people get moving for, food, and saving their own life.

If this happened on an American beach, most of the people would not have moved out the way so that they or their families could sue over injury or death.

I don't run over the hookers on purpose, I run over everyone dumb enough not to get out of my way, I like causing mayhem and then trying to lose the cops, also I enjoy riding around in vehicles on the rims by shooting each tire once and then driving until they rip off, really changes how some vehicles handle.

Thanks for the info, a little expensive for my tastes though.

But can people with dark skin still get all that auto log in goodness? I know that's an issue with kinect 1.0

I have a couple questions if anyone would indulge me.
1. How much is it in yen/usd
2. If I make a Japanese PSN account and buy it does it have an English option?
3. Anyone have any time frame for its release or if for sure that its coming to USA or Europe?

I see no issue with this, I know tons of people that do nothing that play demos, if people want new games to be made some people need to pay for them.