
The original classic blows, but the newer one with wings and more buttons is fine for me

Are you fucking dense? It's the same as ps3 is now, what's so hard to get about that, they can use online passes, and that's it, just quit nit picking it to death.

Any platform that lets you make your own services for use with it has the potential for this, if they banned it from happening it would push away developers. I doubt many if any will do it.

dude could get canned from leaking that.

  • Survey Question One: If the Xbox One must use the Internet but can run online, then I will accept an offline gaming mode that lasts as little as ________ hours/days/weeks/months. (Put N/A if you are sure you would simply never accept such a mode.)
    If it always needs online, it better be heavily subsidized, or I won't

Piegineer uranium is very dense, thus it would help balance the sword

What the fuck, kotaku, I don't know who stopped keeping the bar at its original level, but in the last few months, your site as a hole has been getting more off topic increasingly lame things.

As far I know, GameStop is the only retailer that can sell you dlc codes for specific eShop items, that might be to what they are referring?

Pretty sure there's never been a gta pc version at launch, they come out a year+ afterwards.

As much as I love gearbox and sega, they must be on some really good shit, how the fuck is a demo better than the in game level the demo was from? You couldn't at least copy and pasted that in? There is no way that didn't consume time that could have been put into making it suck less. Unless gearbox didn't make that

Doesn't the 3ds take 3d video? You could use that to perceive the world around you in 3 dimensions.

Kinda wanna get BF3 now

We need to switch places.

Can anyone explain how the baptism is against his religion when he's Christian? I can't comprehend how it's offensive.

The only thing you guys could do without are the random stories about pointless things, like how fire emblem's character models have no feet or the music in ni no ku ni however you spell that, those were both stand alone articles, that's rediculous.

Mod needs to ban this spam bot.

When fighting an equally powerful opponent, any advantage is an advantage no matter how small. Plus it looks bad ass.

I totally disagree with the video games cause gun violence, but there's a large portion of the American population that allow their 3-4 year olds to play gta and cod and use it as a baby sitter like how single parent baby boomers used tv to do the same. I'm not saying that it's the video games fault, it's the parents