Looks like Drake learned a thing or two from Tenzin:
Looks like Drake learned a thing or two from Tenzin:
Oh god, the blaster dodge!!
It was only thirty dollars OFF. Made it about seventy bucks.
I had a 4 AM-to-6 PM Black Friday work shift at Gamestop a couple years back. At about 4:30 AM, one of my co-workers accidentally knocks over our decrepit modem that handles all of the credit card transactions, and I have to tell the massive crowd of sleep-deprived 40-something-and-up mothers, aunts, and grandmas that…
I love you.
What If. I clicked right on the center of it, and yet it still shifted to the GoT cover.
What If. I clicked right on the center of it, and yet it still shifted to the GoT cover.
1. Either an HD remake or a brand-new Skies of Arcadia.
The newest video from the Super Power Beat Down web series—which pits heroes and villains from different fictional universes against each other—has the guy who used to go by Anakin Skywalker facing off against Bruce Wayne in a duel to the death. If you're mad about the ending of this clash, you should know that the…
Same here.
It's exactly what I want when I start playing EVE Online, but what I can never seem to achieve. The epic battles. The tension of knowing you've got millions in cargo, little in defense and pirates are on your tail. To be a part of a group so tight-knit it borders on the obnoxious. Laughing my ass off as our fleet is…
AND Sableye.