
I hate this guy, if only because I want to be him.

I appreciate the generosity, Cryptarch, but 3 Alchemists’ Raiments is FAR more than enough.

Well, Rush is in Pirates 5, so that’s a thing, at least.

Years ago, a wise person on the internet once likened this... thing as “the bizarre lovechild of Michael Jackson and Carol Burnett,” and I still can’t think of a more apt description.

Exclusive to those who get the Legacy of the Void Collector’s Edition, no less.

He still needs to transform into a car when he mounts up...

They don’t seem that cartoon-ish to me. They remind me of the chocobos from XII.

I clicked the article for this. Thanks for not disappointing ♥

Welp, gotta go watch Tron: Legacy again.

I REALLY want that Star Fox pin he was wearing...

Not gonna lie, I’m only excited because it means Artanis is (likely) the next Hero coming out.

All my upvotes!

Is Capcom even trying to make Ryu look Japanese any more?

You okay? Need a hug?

This looks great.

Pimp Daddy Dedede’s not happy about not having any more titles to star in this year!

Disney cancelled Tron 3 to produce THIS tripe?!

Yeah, yeah, but what if I had a cool 2 grand to drop on a desktop?

Still bummed about Tron 3.

Tyrannosaurus Rekt.