It's exactly what I want when I start playing EVE Online, but what I can never seem to achieve. The epic battles. The tension of knowing you've got millions in cargo, little in defense and pirates are on your tail. To be a part of a group so tight-knit it borders on the obnoxious. Laughing my ass off as our fleet is…
AND Sableye.
Don't Worry About Mega Stones
Mega Rayquaza
Did you see their actual review?
Mega Gallade
Nintendo's UK site confirms he will be paid DLC:
And all of Shadow Mac's super-armor isn't? Luma being able to attack while Rosalina is stunned/asleep isn't?
Not really. The only use it offered was canceling his aerials' endlag.
She needed it, tbqh... ;)
It's just a pity that Now is so expensive, and it's absurd that Sony hasn't found a way to let me play the games I already own for my PS3 without paying extra. Surely I could at least put the PS3 disc copy I have of the game in my PS4 drive to prove I own a copy? That's how the PS4 authenticated that I was an…
Thanks, Patricia! You're one of my favorite editors on Kotaku, so I look forward to it.
Great read! Does the embargo limit you from pointing out any of the version-exclusives?
Exactly! Who needs the flashy lights and other bells and whistles when you've got a monster like that?
Honest question: could I get a list of the components you would use if you had 1500-2000 dollars to make a new gaming desktop?