
The extended trailer is all in Japanese, but you can probably follow the gist. They're showing characters, stages, items, assists and modes.

Tabata, who is both directing Type-0 and co-directing Final Fantasy XV, says no. XV, which was first announced as Final Fantasy Versus XIII almost a decade ago, is their top priority.

Frankly, Hyrule Warriors is quite a bare-bones example of a Dynasty Warriors game. It only has three modes: story, free (story without the story) and adventure. Moreover, there is no versus mode and coop is limited to local coop with one person playing on the game pad screen and the other on the TV. In fact, there is

Nostalgia chills, right there.

It's a Gurren Lagaan thing (best anime ever).

Destiny, CoD, and... hmmm... I was sure there was one more...

Anyone else here wear out his palms playing Mario Party?

Ok, this. THIS? This is simultaneously the cutest and most badass picture I've ever seen (at least all day.)

Great article, and I appreciated the accompanying video, but all those missed boosts just niggled the heck out of the wannabe pro-gamer in me.

- The best remixed soundtrack you've probably never heard

The account of "Ben"'s file in Majora's Mask was creepier.

NOPE. Nopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenope!!!

Squint your eyes and he kinda looks like Scyther?

Exactly what I was thinking.

I've actually been fantasizing about a SC fighter; how different characters would play, etc. This needs to happen!

I just want this. MAn I'm bummed Growing Up Fisher was cancelled...

He even added a pin ability!!