It's a Gurren Lagaan thing (best anime ever).
Destiny, CoD, and... hmmm... I was sure there was one more...
Great article, and I appreciated the accompanying video, but all those missed boosts just niggled the heck out of the wannabe pro-gamer in me.
I prefer this one, even if it is Jessica Nigri:…
- The best remixed soundtrack you've probably never heard
The account of "Ben"'s file in Majora's Mask was creepier.
NOPE. Nopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenope!!!
Exactly what I was thinking.
I've actually been fantasizing about a SC fighter; how different characters would play, etc. This needs to happen!
"How can you not watch?"
May I suggest Cardfight!: Vanguard? Like you, I always hated the 'meta' mentality when games like Magic and Yugioh got too complicated. Right now, Vanguard has that perfect balance of strategic depth, without getting too high on itself.