
As I sit here in Florida awaiting the wrath of Irma, it’s good to know that there is a kinder, gentler side to these blowing winds. And that side is the whispy, undulating in the eye of the storm that is Teresa Jo. A person who when her commander in chief said “fuck these prisoners” did not hesitate, did not question,

I love it when you can tell what year a person peaked by their hairstyle.

Teresa Jo was reportedly caught flexing with a 23-year-old inmate trustee who was being held on minimal charges and “authorized to perform work inside and outside of the detention center and sheriff’s office facilities.”

As I recall, Wood is from South Carolina. Good on him.

Holy shit that guy said “Martin Luther Coon” on camera, then tried to walk it back by saying, “I shouldn’t have said that.” I’ve always assumed these confederate loving pricks thought like that but it’s always nice to get confirmation

This is also a typical abuser world upside-down mindfuck bullshit. Somebody behaves so erratically horrible all the time that you start feeling grateful whenever they for once act like a normal human being. Don’t fall for it, Anybody Who Will Listen.

Free Takiyah Thompson! Call Durham, NC, District Attorney to demand charges be dropped against Takiyah and all anti-racists protesters: 919-808-3010. Donate to bail fund:

I get this, but in reverse. In an argument with my father this weekend, he took the side of Nazi protesters and told me that if I wasn’t so pathetic I’d be able to do something to improve my life and the lives of my family. Because I believed the government should condemn nazism.

A+ on the comfortable and practical footwear.


*Waiting for the white tears to flow from twitter*

Related/unrelated: All the major brands of ED drugs are going OTC soon.

That is such a Lindsay Blurh move. Poor Lupe.

It really was. Of course with her Michael Kors bag in hand and she made a huge show of it. My snarky and bitchy side coming out now: Michael Kors? Really? Two credit cards to pay for services is about right and making a big show about tips, nominal ones.

I think it just feeds into itself.

Well said. Your comment reminds me of something former NYC Mayor, Michael Bloomberg, said: Donald Trump is a poor mans idea of how a rich person behaves. Not sure why that came to my mind but......

Famed General Electric CEO, Jack Welch, love him or hate him, used to conduct final interviews at restaurants. He was wealthy beyond belief but conducted his last meeting with top candidates at a restaurant for a very specific reason. He wanted to see how they treated the waitstaff, somebody they might perceive as

My new neighbor, and truly one of the most awesome women I have ever met in my life (She was the third woman ever admitted to Texas A & M and she only went there because it was a military school for boys only, yet had the program she wanted to major in. Her father laughed his ass off at her for applying, saying all

Are you goal oriented? I think I figured out that the reason that I’m frequently jealous of other people’s successes isn’t because I want to be pregnant, get married, write a book, etc., but because I envy their ability to set a goal and then achieve it. I own a house and I have a job. But I don’t really have any