
It's so dang rough trying to figure out situations like this. Used to live next door to a somewhat similar situation, with three women, two kids, and a bunch of dogs. The house was a shithole, the kids barely went to school if ever, they were always yelling. We went back and forth about whether to report it to anyone

As a runner with unruly yet thin and slick hair, the answer is Bobby pins. Crap tons of ‘em. Also spritzing the headband with hair spray. And the bobby pins.

I don’t think porn is the problem in this scenario. The problem is the completely fucked state of our sex education standards and general lack of open dialogue regarding sex, especially women’s pleasure.

But not too calm! Or else we won't believe you and think you're making it up for attention, money, etc. We need emotion, but not like, inconvenient emotion.

I know, talk about burying the lede on that one. Who gives a shit about the cat looking like a Jenner, it is divided perfectly in half, which is way more amazing.

Yeah, I’m skeptical of some of this too. Having worked at grocery stores, the thought that comes to mind as to why the dairy is in the back is not ‘make people walk more to get milk’ but ‘cold chain’. Dairy items are most sensitive to spoiling, so you’re not supposed to break the cold chain with them; i.e. get them

I went to OU and, as many students did, broke into the Ridges at one point. It wasn’t really hard, they left a basement window open, probably because they knew people would get in anyway.

When we went into the ridges I got to scare the crap out of everyone by pushing an elevator button when everyone’s back was turned. This particular bit still had power so the elevator doors opened and dinged and everyone screamed. Good times.

Goddamnit I genuinely love Taylor but I can not look at her new haircut and think anything other than ‘sexy Anna wintour’. This is not what I want.

I know right? Sometimes kids have meltdowns, sometimes they attempt to fling their angry little bodies into traffic, and sometimes you have to grab them so they don’t run blindly into other people/scream forever in the store/kill themselves. Whatcha gonna do? Little kids are dumb and/or insane.

He’s soooo good in Dogma.

Oh god I couldn’t handle it. I’m pretty sure if he was ill he’d be public about it though, he’s very much an open book about everything. I mean, if he’s open about being bipolar/suicidal, he’d be open about a physical illness probably.

It’s super frustrating. My parents are the reason I don’t have college debt, and the reason I could muster up a down payment for a house in my mid-20s, rather than later on. So now I’m saving money that would be spent on college loans and building equity in a home instead of funneling money into rent for a few more

My grandma got a really good two-for-one on my mom and my aunt. She’s prone to saying slightly insensitive things about people’s appearances, but she never, and I’m about 99% sure of this, never actually means anything or believes she’s giving criticism. I am almost sure. Mostly.

I’m jus sayin, they grow some super dank down in the Appalachian bit of Ohio. That Meigs County Gold, yessiree.

Yeah he’s pretty shit. I mean, on the one hand he’s not a cynical, horrific caricature, and he has actual nuanced views of some issues, but on the other he’s fairly well known in Ohio for his smarmy dickery. Also, his vindictiveness.

I’m 28 and mostly feel like an adult. I still have moments of ‘huh...why the hell am I buying kitchen cabinets?’ (Answer: because sufficient kitchen storage is CRITICAL); but yep, I’m an adult. A Woman, no less.

I think that shit is straight up awesome. In fact, I wanted some decorative kale in my bouquet when I got married in 2012. I was working with a local flower farm though, and it wasn’t in season. My husband is a chef and a mutual love of food is one thing that brought us together, so it seemed appropriate.

I think the decorative kale and cabbages are great. I wanted some for my wedding a few years ago, but it was out of season for a June ceremony. My husband is a chef though, so it did seem pretty appropriate.

Including neurosurgery, fersure.