A bit of Powerhouse makes the whole thing priceless:
A bit of Powerhouse makes the whole thing priceless:
See stuff like this I call house rules. Whenever I play rpgs I impose certain restrictions on myself in order to make the game feel more exciting.
This new footage debuted this afternoon during a livestream by developer CD Projekt Red. The Witcher 3 will be out…
With the new movie out, my assumption is this series will culminate in Past!Xavier taking a moment to sit down with this one to discuss his decision to take his future in a different direction.
I actually like his Mass Effect 3 trailer the most.
Philosophy goes where hard science can't, or won't. Philosophers have a license to speculate about everything from…
If I recall, the "compass" is oriented on the sun-Earth plane. I think they chose an arbitrary north-east-west-south from that point on.