
“Bad schadenfreude. Bad! Sagen sie Nein. Nein. Nein!”

The chutzpah around here is richer than a four cheese lasagna (and one of the reasons I’ve been AWOL for a month). The Slot and The Root trashed Sen Harris mercilessly for having done her jobs, as SFDA and then CA AG (which she did so effectively she was overwhelmingly reelected in both, and then by a huge margin to

Hello, Wilbur.

Welllll, actually, while I agree the 1946 one is probably the definitive classic film version, the “original” [fitst major film of the novel] came out in 1921 (and such a lovely poster).

Don’t worry. I still love you, but...

I'll be back. In the meantime...

Oh, you’d be surprised at who would - and who has - played private parties/weddings/etc for some fast coin. You’d be even more surprised how little many of them will take for it - particularly worried former A-listers and thirsty, current B or C-listers, who’ll gladly do a 20 minute set for about as much as the

Those are frameable - and significantly cheaper than Cezanne or Renoir’s still life onion paintings. If you do an image search for ‘still life onions’ it’s rematkable how many there are, yet I actually prefer these botanical studies from the seed packets to any of the impressionists’ onions. These make me cry

But aside from that, how did you enjoy the play, Mrs Lincoln?

Here’s a link. Much like the provocative timing of his rally in Tulsa on June 19, they pick today to roll back protections for LGBTQ healthcare. 

“[Mnuchin concedes that] a future secretary would make the decision about whether Andrew Jackson would be replaced as the face of the note.”

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Melania speaks fluent English? I defer to Randy Rainbow’s deconstruction of her English grammar...

Well, in that photo, Imelda was about 40, so you're onto something.

When did Kylie Jenner morph into 1970s Imelda Marcos? And is it serious? How many pairs of shoes does she own? Maybe it’s just fascist cosplay.

“...why is the Latin category still divorced from Pop, anyway? is a question with two answers, one lamentable and one laudable: Over the years, Americans have been less willing to listen to songs in another language (any other language), which is a function of a general dumbing down and the radio & recording

Last week no Republican senators would answer press questions about Trump’s church photo- op, hence there is film of each of them running from reporters or claiming they didn’t see it, or have to tend to a phone call or some such lie. Now, same deal on Trump’s absurd aspersion against Mr Gugino.

Perhaps some did; child seats were optional (and fairly novel).

As someone who was a child prior to the introduction of these seats, here’s what preceded it: babies/infants were held by an adult, but once one had achieved toddler status, you were postioned as any grown person: “Sit still!”

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...But let’s remember her with her biggest hit; timeless and joyous...