
Black rectangle is black rectangle is a black rectangle... This "it looks the same, we own the idea of making a tablet with a screen and black bezel" crap is ridiculous.

That and Facebook timeline is still in Beta. I'm sure they'll work out the bugs. If you've enabled your profile to use the Timeline layout this is nothing new.

The Blue Grass music in the first vid was terrifying.

I'm an Android fan too but this is stretching it. There is obviously WAY MORE fragmentation when it comes to our beloved OS. Blur, Touchwiz, Sense? Every carrier putting different irremovable bloatware on phones? And, if you're not getting a Nexus then you don't if or when you'll get updates... Sure apple leaves

The Fire is supposed to be pretty good hardware. Also, think about the fact that if you pay for a Prime membership you get instant access to a semi decent video library and the new book lending feature announced today. Add that to the free shipping that Prime already gives... that is a deal.

Yep. Picnik has been the online edit mode for Picasa Web Albums for a while now...

Or... "Google Implements Picnik Filters on Google+" No need to bring Instagram into this.

Have you ever seen the screen on the DroidX? Terrible...

Patent office should have looked a little harder for prior art is all I am saying.

There was no CM8 as Honeycomb source was never released. The CyanogenMod team will go straight to 9 though leaving 8 as the never to be made Honeycomb version.

Now playing

Go to the 4 minute mark for the patented feature... that was on a phone before Apple released the iPhone

Now playing

Can't blame Apple for this one. They are just trying to get whatever they can. Patent office may have just srewed us all.

yep... problem?


It's fun and you are one of the few that hate it.

Open Office is terrible... If I tried to make my college professor wife use it again I think she would kill me. I was trying to be cheap and said yeah honey this should be about just as good for what you need to do... nope. She not a techno nerd, but shes no dummy.

Yeah but if Apple doesn't want you to have it, your screwed. Samsung/VZW have yet to release 2.3 Gingerbread for my Fascinate but because of Androids open nature I've been running it for months via CyanogenMod. Yes it takes some hacking but at least it's an option.

Can't wait for Cm9!

Both comments could have started with "In my opinion" A lot us like the design and are sick of the same brushed aluminum on EVERYTHING.... but that's just my opinion :)

Doubtful since they just promised the FCC that they would give consumers easier access to their data/min/text usage and offer up warnings as they reach limits. In all honesty it looks like Google just saved them a bunch of R&D as far as Android devices are concerned.