Forgot the new Big Red Bird
Forgot the new Big Red Bird
I need this skin for beautiful widgets on my android phone now.... NOW
My wife and I took a picture of when we changed our relationship status on our honeymoon. All in good fun.
Ok. I don't eat McDonald's regularly.... However when my wife and I take our nieces and nephew, 7 and 9, on long trips we will stop at McDonalds as a food, bathroom and get out energy in the playplace stop. It just makes the pit stop easier. So is that what's next? Ban the playplace because it gives children a…
@acidrain69: Well then I guess independents are screwed as usual.
@FriarNurgle: More like this...
@Dabamasha: Everything that is important...
To bad I just completed all the levels... Now I have to go back and try to get 3 stars and find a few golden eggs. I really see no way of getting 3 stars in some levels.
@uncle_jojo: I heard once that you can get money for nothing AND the chicks for free...
@tipt0n: More like $42o difference if you want 128gb of storage on the Air.
@Platypus Man: Works great on my Samsung Fascinate
@mullse01: Why are you blaming the fact that you phone is an old pos on apple and the developers?
"a new kind of image-manipulation software could make you feel better about yourself"
@comrade_leviathan: Now if only another little company would set up a data center here... like maybe in the small town of Lenoir... Nah not in N.C.
Redwood we have a problem?
I'm getting a Samsung Fascinate on Oct. 11... why? Because it's easily rooted despite its flaws and the hummingbird processor is apparently awesome. Not to mention great batt. life and a beautiful screen.
Will it be Amazon Prime eligible?
@Ogami: I disagree... It's much better than "blackpad".
@dtptampa: Unfortunately you're going to have a hard time finding any "unskinned" Android device.
@catsmeatpotterpirbright: At least you get the humming bird processor... that shiz is nice.