
Totally agreed. You kicked him while he was sleeping? I'm pretty sure he was just as annoyed to be there as you, the only difference is you're the only one who actually cemented your status as the ass in the story. And then to write about it like "look what an asshole his guy was to me because I'm fat!" You know what

Sorry Lindy, love ya to bits, but you sound super-duper immature and passive aggressive and like YOU were the one late for the plane, hungover, and getting to your seat after everyone else had sat down. I don't care if you weight 65 pounds soaking wet, all THAT is annoying. violated someone's space, he muttered something sotto voce, then you went and wrote an angry screed about it?

They probably hired Beyonce's secret visual album head of marketing... and decided, hey, let's not really say anything until the 11th hour and then BOOM everyone will want it.

"Good news, Timmy! Santa finally got out of his week-long traffic jam in LA, so here's your present!"

There aren't enough good cop games out there. LA Noire is one of the best ones to come out in a long time.

Looks great, but I'm not huge on Nintendo making every character a baby. Especially when you have Baby Daisy, you know you're scraping the bottom of the barrel. Sorry Daisy fans.

Your husband is a keeper. Do something extra freaky tonight just so he knows how much of a good egg he is.

Right. Why would you vote for a party that wants to limit your daughter's access to health care and dictates what she can do with her body?

Having a daughter has made my husband more liberal. It enrages him that someone would ever try to deny her rights or treat her like a second class citizen. He still hates the thought of her dating, but he hates the thought of her being denied help, jobs, or worse even more ;)

I cried too after I realized I paid $500 to play Knack.

Xbox 360 convert to PS4. I stopped being loyal to Microsoft when they said backwards compatibility was backwards. Sony's stellar pro-consumer messaging leading up to launch is what earned my purchase.

Survivor: Caligula

You're so EDGY!

This reminds me: as if Nip/Tuck wasn't an already batshit crazy show, remember when Kimber randomly joins the Church of Scientology? LOL.


Yep. A PC with its own OS.. Sort of like what a PS4 or Xbox One is.

Wow it looks very much like a PC that you could build through assembling various parts purchased from any major tech outlet. I wonder what it does!?

Lego games are best played for their charm if for no other reason. They're never challenging, but collecting and unlocking things can be fun. The game play is very simple mechanically, you rarely have more than 1-2 attacks. Everything else is choosing the right minifig to complete whatever your goal is, be that

"Brick Killed a Guy!" I lost it.