
What about eating off the floor?

I had three mice that were awesome. They would run over my shoulder and then hide in my shirt pocket and poke their little noses out. I really gained a respect for them when one of them became very ill. He went blind and then could only walk in circles. The other two would actually come over to him and sandwich

I'm a 23 year old guy, and I think dating anyone under 20 is really fucking predatory and creepy. Man or woman.

"Plain and simple: Mean people need Jesus,"

Ermigerd, that is cute. Except for the humans encouraging howling—that's one of the ways you end up with the dog who annoys the crap out of your whole neighborhood.

No, it's really fucking easy to tell.

They've already said that it has 0 kinect feature use whatsoever.....It pretty much cant with it being an online MP only game, it would have to have a SP campaign to actually have Kinect voice commands, otherwise it will just be 16 dude bros screaming into their mics at the same time

That reminded me of a very lame attempt at a Aperture Industries Fake Ad.

The only people who put any effort into VGX were the game devs. They clearly wanted it to be special and share their cool stuff, but nobody else cared about the event at all. That was a horrible three hours. They just turned up with no idea what they were supposed to do and wasted everyone's time. It's meant to be a

Meanwhile Reggie debuted Cranky Kong in Donkey Kong Wii U.

They realized with the 360 and PS3 that they could 'remake' games and people would buy them. They don't "need" (read: want) to do backwards compatibility anymore.

Yay! Another SNES/N64?Gamecube remake. New and original games are so overrated. Looks like my Wii U is gonna collect more dust.


The most obscure statement in this post is not the fact that it is 9 degrees in Texas, but the fact that grown adult still participate in steam-punk masquerade balls; don't forget to say hi to the furries having an orgy in the next hall.

NOPE! J.Law is the best and always will be.

Keep hatin' people...this movie really is shaping up to be the Ultimate Spider-Man movie and I love it!! Besides I'm sure Webb will develop characters along with the villains, this is the guy that directed 500 Days of Summer for Chrissake.

If you spent 400-500$ on a new game console the chances are you don't have a small TV.

such grass

Thats nice, call me when she makes a piece of music that does not suck donkey balls.