
This looks really bad. Kinda like that Reservoir Dogs game that I had to have and bought because I love the movie, then the game was an utter disappointment because it had bad graphics and no one looked like they were supposed to.

If we could get the next Zelda game in an art style like this, that'd be great.

lol, fuck fun gameplay, won't someone please think of the jaggies?!

Yes. Are your little quotes a snide way of being a dick to imply that i don't know that? I'm guessing you're the kinda guy that when someone says they are a big Pink Floyd fan you proceed to quiz them on everything about pink floyd before syd barrett left the band to prove they are a "true" pink floyd fan?

Yeah, I agree. It's more the Johnny Walker endorsement that I have an issue with and not the fact that his family is using his image to shill products. Doesn't feel in line with what his persona or ethos was.

"We got Shannon Lee, Bruce Lee's daughter, to come aboard after we backed a pick-up truck of money up to the Lee home". Fixed that for you, Joseph Kahn. As a big Bruce Lee fan I have no doubt in my mind he'd never do a commercial like this. Shameful.

wow, this makes the game look like a glitched out mess, but after 3 playthroughs i've had no glitches whatsoever.

As a guy who for a long time didn't know why regular condoms wouldn't fit over the head of my penis, until i started buying condoms that were for guys with a bit more girth, the "if the guy says the condom doesnt fit, just put it over your head and show him that he is lying" really bothers me.

I STRONGLY disagree with the "put a condom over your head, it it doesnt fit" condom thing. As a guy I can say, not all condoms are one size fits all. For the longest time I thought there was something wrong with me because I couldnt get regular condoms on, but that was because I didnt know they made larger condoms for

I knew eventually someone would put this together. I was pretty sure Ellie cursed more than anyone else in the game. Depending on how you play the game, every time you kill an infected or a bandit Ellie always says shit or fuck.

If they had made the game with all that is mentioned in that survey I would buy the game. Maybe they should have done a survey of what people wanted BEFORE they released a game, (that from what I can tell in the many reviews people have posted), was only half realized when it was released.

I am not surprised.

"the thing I really want to bring to Zynga is TV! TV TV TV TV TV TV!"

Previously worked at EA, then Microsoft, now Zynga. Soooo...failing upwards?

Please enlighten me.

He's just saying that because he hopes the trend will catch on. Publishers stand to gain so much more money with the push for all digital. They think it's some sort of band-aid that's going to help when the real problem is the cost of making this games is becoming so expensive that they are hemorrhaging money and


"fookin' prawns!"

Ehh, she's probably not that mad. You have to admit the original design looked JUST like her, as well respected and as on the ball as Naughty Dog is you have to wonder what they were thinking when they originally designed Ellie. The Ellie that made it into the game doesnt look much like Ellen Page though, or sound