
"Listen, i'm out here on these streets everyday slangin' that butter"

Even though it would fall into the trope of being a prequel i'd like to see Tommy's backstory when he was with the Fireflies, or when him and Joel were together in those 20 year from when the infection started to the story in The Last Of Us. Even though you don't spend much time with him I was curious about Tommy's

Yeah, doki doki panic, or something like that.

"Nintendo gamers have been able to play as Princess Peach as far back as in the first Mario Kart in 1992". What about Super Mario 2 on the NES? And saying "that's Princess toadstool and not Peach" is arguing semantics.

I don't think i've ever seen a series deviate so far from what made the original two games so great. In b4 someone says "do you expect them to make the same game over and over" No, I don't, but this series could have been so much better. It's like watching a tv series and then after a couple seasons they fire all the

Hell yeah. All that sweet ass blast processing.

The rumors were going around since January or February, but since they all ended up being based on true information I dont know if they could be called rumors.

It shouldn't have HAD to come to all this online complaining. And then just now changing it, considering this has been brewing for MONTHS. And for MONTHS Microsoft held their position and kept on the DRM train. I have to think there was something else just besides the complaining that made them change their tune.

"And you get some backpedaling, and YOU get some backpedaling, and you get some backpedaling! Everyone gets some backpedaling!!"

The random Hank Williams in the truck scene was a nice touch.

Needs a scumbag steve hat- Implements policies no one likes, takes backs those policies when consumers complain but with the strings attached that now the console don't get extra features.

I havent preordered shit yet. Ill wait 6 months or more like I always do for everything while people pay to beta test it. But for whats its worth preorders went up during E3 and PS4 apparently has been killin' it.

"Coming this holiday season Xbox Mitt Romney"

looking forward to all the exclusives i missed this generation. 360 has been ok, and I never really felt the need to get a PS3 because most of the games i wanted to play were on both platforms, but PS gets a lot of exclusives that appeal to me. All this DRM business was just the extra push I needed though.

Too bad everyone has already preordered a PS4. It's kind of too little, too late. They caved to the pressure but it was only after the E3 debacle instead of before. So much flip flopping its like a politician saying whatever it will take to get votes. It's kind of pathetic, actually. I'll gladly bathe myself in the

"I know I fucked up. Please take me back? I only hurt you because I love you."

"He thinks the Wii U is cool, meanwhile i'm sleeping with his brother who preordered the PS4"

This post sponsored by Microsoft.

Looks like a VCR, doesn't get near as much shit about it as the Xbox One did.