Hitchens, of course, famously a being a woman-hating warmongering knob that's the kind of position one might expect from him to have taken.
Hitchens, of course, famously a being a woman-hating warmongering knob that's the kind of position one might expect from him to have taken.
My favorite thing about these types of situations is the "Welcome to the Internet" crowd. As if this sort of behavior should not only be expected, but tolerated.
So, here's the thing. Just because you choose to go into a public space, doesn't mean you are responsible for being threatened because of your gender, race, age, religion (as much as that pains me) or orientation. XBox Live is a public space. Because women exist and want to participate in a public space without…
I am incredibly disgusted with the general sentiment of the comments on this subject here. This site seems to be infested with children who have absolutely zero concept of what life is like for those who are not in the majority. Which would be fine if there seemed to be even a hint of open mindedness to the plight…
The number of stupid comments here is well, not all that surprising, but I'm exceedingly glad to see that the recommendation numbers in the comments prove they really are the vocal (and stupid) minority.
Those who are saying that "welcome to the internet, its full of assholes, get used to it" are you really that ignorant? Everything you say on the internet is logged by the website or whatever your using which has logged your IP address which can be traced directly to your house. So if you say something really stupid…
Why would you pay money for this (complete lack of) service? I honestly don't see what they're bringing to the table that makes this worth a monthly fee.
Thanks for this article, Jason.
She should make a legal case on this. Not with Microsoft, but with Phatdog. People need to realize that these types of comments can get you into serious trouble. Just because you are on the internet doesn't make them ok. With a little help from Microsoft this idiot could get what he deserves.
Some of the responses that are on this article is exactly why I have given up Xbox. The complete lack of civility and the disgusting showing of many on Xbox live make it unbearable. Why the hell was I paying 50 - 60 dollars a year for a service like this? Microsoft is slow to respond to everything from harassment…
Belittling her genuine complaint or even sticking up for the tosser who said these things to her? Some of these comments on this article are literally incredible. Be ashamed of yourself humanity. Be very ashamed.
Are so many people desensitized to this type of behavior on XBOX live that they have become complacent zombies? She should not be berated for taking action. You do not have to accept the status quo. These responses highlight the many issues facing our country today. We cannot just mute issues and move on, we need to…
Think about it like this, if she didn't make a big fuss about it and made Microsoft at least acknowledge the idiocy that is going on on there service. This would have kept going; not only with him, but the other trolls that will ruin your Xbox Live experience. It's no fun, when you have half the Xbox Live community…
Oh sure, she could totally just block him, what a great idea. But after that, someone else will be saying stuff like this to her. And not even just her, any other gamer with the gaul to let people know they're female will likely be harassed by someone. That's what's so fucked up about it. Because they know that…
There are more creative ways of dishing out smack-talk than resorting to gender. See you later, PHATDOG. Good riddance. I sincerely hope you actually learned something, but I highly doubt it.
Modern Warfare mand CoD are by far the worst for this type of inane behavior. I would literally hear the most incredibly racist and insulting things between matches.
I'm really disappointed in a lot of these people's comments. The online community has proven we can't police ourselves. Did you all miss the threat of sexual assault? Or how about how this user followed up with additional messages of more threats? You all may be safe in your personal little bubble, but other places in…
"I'm gonna impregnate you with triplets and make you have a very late term abortion."