
Was it Fraiser? Or...who???

I know. “Worst” celeb story I have is “meeting” Justin Timberlake back in 1999 at a hotel in Hawaii. And by meet, I mean he didn’t say a word to anyone, wore sunglasses and a hat plus the same shirt he had on the night before (to his credit they did have a late night with radio promo crap and he was like 17/18 at the

I hear you. I am sooo sad to say “When I Get You Alone” was one of my FAVORITE tracks when it came out and it was fab. That’s the Robin Thicke I dug. Now he’s just...GROSS!

Considering Prince doesn’t even have an official YouTube channel that most artists on Tidal have, having his music available on any service is a gain in itself. I’m sure you’ll be able to purchase it on iTunes/Amazon though.

I misread that as “wear something gay” and started to get upset/confused by that statement. Then I realized I misread this and just to need sleep.

Maybe you insert it yourself. I have no idea. I just read the cited article because as someone who should really be working on finals, I wanted to know the answer to this meaningless question. Apparently >The idea for 21 Grams, which is handmade to order and can be personalised to the requirements of the customer< So

Oooh, this must be what Taylor Swift was talking about when she said she’s “got a long list of ex-lovers, they’ll tell you I’m insane” ;-)

Well, do you actually send the dildo people the ashes to fuse into the body or do you insert it yourself?

Also if it’s scenario 1, how do you know it’s the right person?

He name is actually Krobert. The K is silent ;-)

Pretty positive Tucker was trying to herd the baby, hence the growly bark. My corgis do that when they’re herding each other. Then when baby would smile at Tucker who looked at him with the expectant corgi smile, it seemed to give Tucker the wrong idea.

Your response became hilarious because of the timeline order ;-)

You realize that the Selena/Pitbull song is not out of the realm of possibilities anymore right? Pitbull loves himself. He’s already game

Did I read that correctly? Does the lizard even DO anything when it’s not high? How can you tell the lizard is high? Why would you do that to a poor lizard? And how does a person get an insect high? Maybe this is just perplexing as a person who doesn’t get high.

More stars then I can post for quoting Jen. I love her. She is my female comic spirit animal

Passing acquaintances? Then again, girl was like 14/15 - wasn’t everything insanely intense/big deal when we were “friends” with a guy we had a crush on? 14 y/o me gets it. I won’t snark on you for that, Taylor!

Ironically...heavy whipping cream 0 carbs. Creamer crap like 40+ carbs for 2 Tbsps? Ridiculous

I’m hoping the big reveal is he gets a haircut at the end of the special and donates it to locks of love. Then drops the mic and says “peace out!”

i love Gus

I had to look this up. Apparently Blake’s dad took up their mom’s surname (Lively) when they got married. I suppose it was easier to literally just marry into the family than have them switch to Brown. Besides, who wants to be an Ernie Brown???