
I believe fully as an educator that asking kindergarteners or younger to distance learn is a waste of goddamn time and going to do permanent damage to their relationship to school. There is no benefit for online learning for these kids. My kid is not a kindergartner yet, but if he was, we would be holding him back a

Yeah, but there still are instances when you might be “parenting” but you are not the parent. My friend who is the current legal guardian of his niece comes to mind. He specifically does not want to have his niece referring to him as “Dad, Daddy, Papa, Pops” because the eventual plan when the parents get their adult

It was so hard for me to see the Clinton campaign flub hard on that (and it’s even worse that the campaigns hubris lead to Donald Trump being elected and the dismantling of US democracy and now the death of Americans).  I’m still pissed about it and pissed that other Democrats dismissed me when I noted how the

100% agree with this. I will also say that Hillary in particular has been on the receiving end of extreme misogyny in a way I don’t think any other female candidate would be in the future. She is particularly hated for being the first in many ways.

The thing is mediocre was good enough for the majority of Americans. The problems for Hillary were the following:

I remember my mom learning more refined recipes from a very, very early version of the Food Network. Before that she knew some southern staples from scratch but everything else was casserole esque.

Not to mention that there can be blonde haired blue-eyed people who are 50% native or more. I know of a family where one daughter looks exactly like her father who is native and a tribal leader and the other daughter looks exactly like her mother, blonde and blue eyes. Guess which daughter speaks her native language

Yes, but do not watch the final season. My head cannon on that is so much better than the bullshit they came up with. 

Oh my goodness yes! I have someone I knew from highschool who was trying so hard to adopt a black girl and bring her to her completely white community. It was so bizarre and othering how much she just loved black babies. I was so happy when she couldn’t find any black biological mother willing to gift her a black

My understanding is that for emancipation, she has to be able to support herself. Now, she could also ask to have another adult take up guardianship, which would open up the possibility of child support.

I’ve read that her performance at the inauguration was one of the things that allowed her to illustrate she could stay with him but look miserable and add to him looking like an asshole. She also threatened to stay in New York with Barron. Then she got what she wanted in the prenup and was willing to play ball.

Pelosi is a political genius. She’s a strong woman in the age of Trump and basically the only one right now with enough power to check him and the guts to stand there and do what needs to be done. I feel like she is one of the few Democrats who actually knows how to play this game effectively with him. Do I like

Well, except for hiding rape statistics in SF as robberies so that he numbers on sexual assaults stayed just peachy. (Also an SF resident and have never voted for her.)

I would argue that young women vote Republican because they know their financial futures are tied up with white supremacy. Also, their fathers voted Republican and their fathers privilege allowed them access to privilege themselves. Republicanism assures that they as white women will not have to compete equally with

NPR has consistently excellent reporting and is still free. That’s where I direct people. But it is long form reporting which can be daunting in our day and age for people who have short attention spans.

Do you like Indian Food? The recipes out there for butter chicken are legit!

Yeah, my parents were born in 56 and 58 in the south and they vividly remember their schools being desegregated and that time period and they were much younger.

I’ve personally sent her emails asking her to resign. After the parting gift she gave to Boxer, I’m never voting for her again. She’s as Republican as a Senator from California can be. She’s also wholly unprepared for the current situation with Trump. I always felt the wrong one retired when Boxer left the Senate.

Best sex I’ve ever had, just down and dirty sex with no romance was with a guy who isn’t super traditionally attractive and gives off a slight dirtbag, stoner vibe. He was damn good in bed though. Damn good. He is/was definitely not stupid though. At the end of the day, I’m much more conventional than him.