
It's not a study in the scientific sense. It's a report from a think tank. Hence, it can wander all over the map as its authors feel fit.

Definitely not. I'd say that modern porn leads to the normalization of what should be hard fetishes though, some of which are problematic.

I'm not going to get into this too much but let me say, I grew up with a parent that was a sexual predator. I was pretty confrontational around things I saw and knew and experienced but there is still something particularly disturbing about living with a sexual offender who offends on the scale as Sandusky that needs

That sounds like as much a waste of funds as solitary confinement. We should really be more concerned with rehabilitating convicts rather than warehousing them until we can release them back into society even more screwed up than when they were convicted. But the US prison system is a whole other argument.

That's actually most of what trainers and "pet psychologists" do, many will even tell you so. They say when you blame the animal you're looking at the wrong end of the leash.

Yes. The father admitted to kicking the cat in anger. Numerous articles have already clarified that the baby pulled the cat's tail, the cat delivered a swipe that resulted in a minor scratch that needed no medical attention, and then the father kicked the cat. People are clearly blowing the incident out of proportion

Seriously, I wonder how many times he's been kicked before. It would explain his psycho behavior.

That's a part of the process actually. There's a show on Animal Planet called My Cat from Hell and about 50% of the time owner error plays into why the cat is having a hard time. Sometimes it's just cause cats are nuerotic and people didn't realize that different breeds of cat have different personalities. Tree cats

I have five cats. One got swatted on her heiney just yesterday, and I push them with my feet aaaalll the time. But a kick? Maybe I'm a softy, but I imagine a spleen-bursting, rib-cracking boot and I get upset.

Good response to someone who was obviously trying to upset you. Kudos!

I'm just wondering because I know a lot of women who have boyfriends/husbands who speak to them like this—the whole "haha, that's cute that you're trying to talk back to me in front of my friends, but just wait until we get home..."

This is ... truly a thing.

Not true - you have violence AND and awesome wife :D

The joke isn't about beating my wife (which isn't funny).

The joke is about me having nothing masculine left except for violence (which is sad).

The Wife is better educated, more attractive, more popular, a better person, and soon to be making far more money than I, The Man.

And I'm ok with that. Because I can still kick her ass.


He's the current Bachelor in France (they're on about episode 3 over here), and he is a hella lot less douchey (douchie? douchaaay) than JP. You can read more about him here but sadly only in french

From Juan Pablo's Wikipedia: "Galavis and his former girlfriend, Venezuelan actress Carla Rodriguez, have a daughter, Camila.[4][6][16] He is currently dating Nikki Ferrell, whom he met on season 18 of The Bachelor. However he does not love her.[17]"

In mental health, ED is commonly used as an abbreviation for Eating Disorder. I don't think I've ever seen it to mean 'emotional disturbance,' as that's far too vague in mental health to be of use.

I love you Kesha! Keep doing what you do and every time someone comes along and bitches that you're not "Ladylike" or "Classy" enough, you just keep being comfortable in your skin!