
What about their own cadet mates, who happen to be women? You have a problem with them causing dissention among the ranks?

So close to the fjords

You can have more than one child if you aren't Han, which is the ethnic majority, or if you have government connections, or if you have money. I think it's something like half your pay for a year to have another child if you are Han. I got all this through a translator though so take it wit a grain of salt

It's an incredibly touchy subject because it gets rolled into what 'romance' and 'real love' and 'omg this will never work'and 'don't you love me' 'aren't I sexy to you'.

I hope someone else pointed out to you that what you said is not feminism.

my partner and I have been together for six years now and because of my issues (persistent vaginismus and vestibulitis) we've had to work around a lot of stuff. We've scheduled our sex now. Sounds hilarious and very non sexy, but it makes him fret less because he knows its happening and we can plan our days around it.

If you can afford it I would suggest finding good gyno or sexual health doctor.

That's what I fight with a bit, the idea that even if they are polite the thought process behind the politeness is rotten.

hear hear! we need another poll in the name if unbiased science.

I really dont agree with a lot he says, but he's polite, well written and not a troll purpose (mostly). I'd rather have an honest discussion with someone who is open to other viewpoints than so someone who just parrots back the status quo(on this site). It also gives us a a chance to explain ourselves to someone who

This is what I dream would happen.

Exactly. Even some of the statistics quoted in this article would work. Dude did not do his homework well and I would imagine it will be ripped to shreds. Imagine if one of the profs who focuses on sexual violence was there to argue.

Even better than a regular bandaid are the silicone ones. You can cut tthe to the right size and the heal everything quicker.

Yay rescue pets :) my family lives near a large park and every year we get visitors a month or so after Christmas, usually around when ppl get sick of the new kitty/puppy. So far we've adopted a beautiful collie, 5 cats and a yellow lab. Two kittens I rescued from the creek were microchipped. When the vet called the

Last paragraph gets all my plus ones for today. There is no reason for prostitution the be illegal. making it illegal exacerbates all the purported problems associated with it. While I disagree with the fundamental assumptions of the Nordic laws regarding sex trade, their move to legalize and regulate is a definite

Ooh it's like the new dove commercials where the women describe themselves and someone draws them. Unilever sells axe and some other awful crap, produces other ads that support sexism, but I'm still ok with their flawed lady commercial. It makes people talk, even if they only did it to make monies

I don't think I care :) even if it is pandering, there are so few male voices talking about feminism in a positive light it is still helpful. I'd say we are still in the stage of evoking awareness, much before we can actually evince social change on this front. This means any voice, even one who is so secretly fake

Bump it!