
While I enjoy an orgasm as much as the next girl, sometimes I don't have time for that shit. Look, I have kids. I'm busy. If I don't take the next 10 minutes to tumble around while they're outside yelling at each while shoveling the walks, I won't get another free moment for the next month.

I don't have orgasms during sex unless I use a vibrator during, or work REALLY hard touching myself. And I seriously really do not care. I like sex to be quick, hard and dirty—and that's including when I'm alone, since when I do want to orgasm I do so easily enough with the trusty magic wand (takes about 20 seconds).

Yes! Everybody else should pay because of the "stupidity" of someone who shares much of your DNA! it getting hot in here, or is it just me?

"Really really bright lipstick, because gross you're going to get that on me."

This is word salad.

"Walmart, I'm loving everything about you!"

I can't believe after the honesty Claflin showed while shedding light on Hollywood's insane beauty ideals (much like Panem's!), someone would be gross enough to make this comment. Dude. Come the fuck on.

Objectification sucks, no matter which gender it's aimed at. I honestly feel bad for this guy.

I'm a white woman dating an Asian guy, and while none of my family members have said anything to me, one of his friends asked me if I had yellow fever. I was rather offended. Statistically speaking, white woman/Asian man is much less common, but I guess it goes both ways anyway.

You know, I went to the gym three times this week. Where is my congratulatory Vine from President Obama?

For real though, Lee Pace.

Yes, I definitely believe that a member of Congress, who receives benefits for life courtesy of the taxpayer, lost her fucking health insurance.

"Who was the 7th female president?"

"Why does my neighborhood have so many affordable reproductive health clinics?"

Mitt Romney wishes he had binders of women like these dudes apparently have access to.

I like the 'French Guy' on her list. I mean, who didn't add that guy to the list in college, right? That guy gets around.