
Oh Lord yes. There is plenty of therapeutic bitching everywhere I have worked, and with my health care buds. It's usually pretty affectionate, but I wonder if the affection comes through to an observer.

I'm sorry, I did read the rest of your comments but didn't find them particularly deep either. "I can say something's more attractive than the other thing and that's my opinion and so there!" "You are all hypocrites because people who are on the same site as you objectify men!" "You all just want special privileges

"Thoughtful comments"? I'm sorry, did you not type "Props to numbers 2, 3, 9, 13, 14, and 17 for having attractive vaginas?" Way to philosophize, bro.

Yes, I suppose the problem with being more open about our body parts is that more frat boys and their ilk will immediately start bitching that certain body parts are not "up to spec".

We are pretty ridiculous when it comes to our bodies. Good on them for trying. I know nothing of Australian law, but would the university have been prosecuted for pornography or anything, letting this be published? Just trying to figure out why the kerfuffle.

Really? Cause I'm a nurse and on my way to being an NP, and I most decidedly do not fucking hate everybody and/ or think everybody lies. Nor do many of my health care friends. In fact, where I work we recommend the Health At Every Size module for all of our patients. But then again, my population of choice is teens,

Whenever anything bad happens in life, I turn to dog, to pick me up and put me on my feet again.

Yeah, I know exactly what you're talking about, bro. I see some ladies in some reeeeaaaallll fiiiiiiinnnneeee clothing, I do. And you know what I give them ladies? I deliver them some respect I would give any other woman in a professional setting because I don't need my women swathed in layers of heavy cloth to keep

"Pssst. Hi. I don't know you, but unless we do something drastic, they're going to make us play that game where they microwave candy on diapers and make us smell it. Will you put your high heel through my cheek? That might distract them."

Oh, it wasn't for school. Or from my parents. I don't remember where I got hold of a copy, actually.

Then let's pretend it never happened. If anything did happen to pretend that nothing ever happened about.

I've read the book, but hopefully it's fiction. At least, that's what I like to tell myself. SO DON'T DISABUSE ME PLEASE.

Hypnosis sucks.

I used to work in a pediatric gynecology clinic. We saw girls who were hitting puberty super-early- like 4, 5, 6 years old- and it was never attributable to "she eats a lot of meat." Sometimes it's brain issues, sometimes it's hormonal issues, sometime nobody has a clue what's causing it but it runs in the family.

I read it in junior high and my reaction was to feel so sorry for poor Humbert, and not understand why Lolita was treating him so badly. Read it again in college, and oh dear....

Ugh, I am so sorry you had to go through that. That sounds absolutely, ridiculously horrible.

I am so sick of that term. "Lolita" was about a young girl who was stalked, coerced, and sexually abused by an adult man who was willing to trick her mother into a loveless marriage to get closer to his prey. He creates a "relationship" with her that leads her to another sexual abuser and into a child pornography

And the correct answer is, "Yes."

The name Redskins is embarrassing. I'm Jewish, and to me it seems analogous to having a team called, say, the Philadelphia Kikes.