Obviously we need to start arming the 13-year-old girls.
Obviously we need to start arming the 13-year-old girls.
This is threatening me as a loan officer too (along with deregulation—I’m not looking forward to having to compete with all the sleazeballs who will come back into the industry if Trump guts the CFPB). It’s also something we need to really be ready to tackle as a species. Modern innovation will make human capital…
I never thought I’d see this on PS4. I loved it on Wii U and it’s pretty exciting to see it coming out for PS4, Xbox One, and Compupers. Can’t wait! :D
PS: Might wanna mute that video.
Nintendo: “What’s a Metroid?”
So don’t click on them and don’t play the game. Seems pretty simple.
“(like - I don’t really care that you don’t think it looks good; watch it when it comes out and offer legitimate opinions or don’t).”
What a stupid argument. He’s obligated to weigh in on something he doesn’t want to weigh in on? I don’t go to movies that look bad. And I’m sexist because of it? I didn’t know I was…
Lil’ Biiiits
This is a fantastic article on the complex relationship that exists between the developers of art and the people whose job is to review that art. Well written, well stated, A++++ would Kotaku again.
No shit. I turned 40 this year, and have been actively thinking “I hope I don’t die before episode 9”.
Additional thoughts:
>Get girls by flooding them with gifts.
I have long been a fan of the PlayStation Vita. So this quote from one of Sony’s head honchos about portable gaming…
Haha, no it didn't. The DualShock was in response to the N64's analog stick and the rumble pak, yet another example of Sony ripping off Nintendo's design (the original PSX controller itself is modeled after the SNES). It came out in November of 1997, over a year after the N64's release and about five months after the…
That's not how you spell amazing.