
He says he saw it and thought he might be able to make it to the end. He saved his progress towards the end just in case. He still beat the game under 32 minutes! :D

I hope they also use this time to port Origins over to this collection.

I think Sonic needs a game like Super Mario Maker. Let fans create and share their own stages with themes from the classic 2D Sonic era. Throw in some themes based on other Sega games like Panzer Dragoon or Golden Axe for some variety.

It sucks that he got the complaint AFTER the eviction notice. It also kinda sucks that at least one of his neighbors is kind of an ass hat. However, I feel bad for people living around him that have to put up with all the noise he makes. You don’t need a formal complaint to know that you’re probably being

Minor complaint: I’m not digging the Superman’s costume. Everything else looks though.

I was thinking the game didn’t come out until 2017 anyway. It is looking great!

I don’t think Super Mario Bros.: The Movie was all that great. However, after learning about what happened during the production of the film, I’m impressed that it is even watchable. It isn’t what I want out of a movie about Super Mario Bros., but there are some things that I still laugh at today.

My dad picked up the game me when it came out. I was 12 years old! On that same day, my brother and I were stuck in a car for over six hours for a family vacation with my father. When we finally got to the hotel, I immediately went to find the TV and hook up the N64.

This looks really good! Am I hyped like I was for The Force Awakens? Nope. This still looks really good though!

Now playing

You guys should probably give this a watch if you haven’t already:

I remember reading the Super Mario World manual and just being mesmerized by the artwork. I loved the world artwork so much that I had my friend re-create it for me and put it on a poster. Anyway, the manual helped me learn the names of the creatures I encountered. It taught me some techniques with Cape Mario. I lost

I take it they have to be re-purchased even if you already have them on Wii U?

Yes. And then sometimes your roommate wonders about you when he accidentally discovers a bag full of Link faces in your desk drawer.

I remember working at GameStop and having to turn away a trade in from a parent and her young child. They were Game Boy Advance games but they were clearly not official. The plastic cartridges were poorly put together and didn’t feel sturdy. The art on the labels were super off center and the Game Boy Advance logo

The best part about Rebel Strike was the fact that it had Rogue Leader’s campaign but it was co-op! I just wish I could’ve enjoyed the levels in single player as well!

I don’t think any of it is canon since Disney took over.

Now playing

“I’m a sexy little baby, and I’m gonna eat some fucking batteries.”

I borrowed it from someone and never ended up finishing it before returning it. It was okay, but definitely not a terrible game. If you’re looking for some action games from last generation that may have went under your radar, I would recommend it.

What did he say?

I’m fairly certain Ridley would fit into Smash Bros. if they made him look more like the sprite version seen in the original Metroid. :P It’ll look derpy, but it would be a hilarious joke character.