
Because clever, witty, cute and loud.

wut? It wasn't Half Life 3 or Mega Man Legends 3?

Comments like yours... I just... I don't... I don't get it.

For a second I was thinking there was at least one female pilot in Return of the Jedi. Then I realized that I was thinking of Rebel Assault II. Whoops.

It is supposedly due to genetic mutations by radiation exposure. That's an aspect that is worth exploring. Also, it makes for better gameplay for both human and xenomorph players.

AVP was developed by Rebellion, this is Gearbox.

In game explanation: genetic mutations as a result of radiation exposure.

According to AvPGalaxy's FAQs:

I think someone at Gearbox said that they revealed the game WAY too early.

I wouldn't mind seeing him reprise his role in a future Star Wars movie. I don't think I want him to be the main attraction, but I'm sure there are plenty of stories to tell that could involve his character.

I think the bit in the article about the Wii U trumping Xbox and PS3 with less power consumption isn't meant to be taken seriously.

The first game is currently in the Humble THQ Bundle. I picked it up but I don't know when I'll get around to playing it.

I would love to see some Nintendo themed pinball tables.

And the fanboys walk away in disappointment. :/

Well, that would be a valid reason if that were the only feature of the screen on the controller.

The Durango won't be a true next gen console because it might do things I don't agree with, even though it will be the Xbox of the next generation. My reasoning is flawless.

Super Paper Mario started off interesting, but then got kind of dull as I got further into the game. :/ The gameplay, level design and story just seemed to drag on. Not a bad game, but not super great either.

All I know is that Bilbo Baggins will betray everyone and protect the xenomorphs.

The PS3 fanboys would have a fit if it did get ported to the Xbox. Also glad to see them not being wishwashy about the game coming to Xbox or not.