
You are mistaken! :P

Companies are always hiring people to go up on stage during E3 and be fake excited. Wonderbook, Kinect, Just Dance, etc. Just hire Jimmy Fallon and introduce him to stuff for the first time.

Maybe they should have Jimmy Fallon on stage as the person who gets "fake excited" for games. But he'll be legit excited. :P

Where does he declare that PC gaming sucks? He lists his personal preferences on why he doesn't favor it, but he doesn't say "It sucks." I didn't get that from him. This is his response as to why he prefers console gaming.

What kind of a response is that? He's primarily a console gamer and he plays a few things on PC. Okay.

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Just here to give Doctor Who's opening theme some love! :D

I wonder if Mega Man X3 will make it on the VC before Wii U. Or maybe Nintendo will continue the VC on Wii U and make that game downloadable on day one. The version on the MMX Collection is kind of butt. I wish they would at least give you a choice instead of forcing you to play the PS1 version. :(

I like it, I just can't get into it like most people seem to. I think I'm still slightly bitter about it because I had played Kirby's Adventure at my friend's house down the street and wanted to play a Kirby game just like it on SNES. Because I was young, I didn't research before renting and ended up with a game


It could be MEGA worse.

Kinda surprised they aren't including some of the side games like Kirby's Dream Course and Kirby's Avalanche.

Didn't the first Pikmin give you a limited amount of time to beat the game?

Just replying because your comment about her training in her mansion/gym and how she was guided doesn't really matter because it is a reboot. I'm not saying you have to like it, but you can't go and say she had lots of training because we don't know that.

*still wishes they would use other Batman music instead of just Danny Elfman's 1989 movie score*

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Props to her approaching the "issue" with a seemingly reasonable attitude. Although, I kinda feel like she might dig a little too hard and come off as ridiculous. I think I'll watch her videos though, because I bet I might understand a that kind of perspective a bit more. Also, here is a semi-related video. :P

Have they confirmed this? Because this is a reboot.

That's deep.

There are a lot of female lead characters. Many of them have popped up in the last 10 years or so. When a publisher/developer announces the next new IP with a female lead character, it won't have all that much impact (like it would 10 years ago). They are becoming more and more common. I'm not saying it is even.

Yes, but even if you weren't using hyperbole, you were saying that there aren't a lot characters that are strong independent females. That's just completely wrong.

Reboot. Origin story. She didn't just walk into her first tomb or jungle as a badass. She isn't a soldier. She's a (fictional) human being that will probably find a lot of strength by the end of the story in the game. And very far from helpless. Have you seen the trailers/gameplay?