
“Operation Warp Speed” = “Operation Pass the Buck”. The federal government passed the responsibility on to the state govts, who have passed it on to local administrators, none of whom are communicating with each other.

My parents dragged my ass to church every Sunday as a kid. The older I became the more I started to see how full of shit these hypocrites were. All of them. I moved away and shortly after the level of scandal at the church I grew up in blew the fuck up. One of the priests in training murdered his wife, had been found

I sent this in earlier through the tip email because I didn’t want Barnett to have the last word. Also, as a rape survivor, I wanted to talk about it and figure out why this hurt so much. When I think of all the trauma we’ve all been through this year, it’s places like this that help me see that I’m not alone in a

Do you not know anything about how manipulative and charming abusers are in the beginning of a relationship? They lead you to believe they’re an amazing person who’s overcome so many troubles so that you feel like they are loving and truly vulnerable. In your metaphor- imagine a skunk could do make you see it as a

Based on the tone, I’d say that ain’t a she.

Oh gosh, if that was first grade, he probably had a big ol’ crush on you.  I was almost expecting the last line to be “and, reader, I married him.”

Yup! And I think it’s a dude. Which shouldn’t matter, but it feel especially incelly when it’s a dude. My comment that was flagged:

Hey Shia, did you see this story about Johnny Depp in the Hollywood Reporter yesterday? You should totally read it.

Yeah, Truly’s response struck me as curious and laughable from jump. I get it’s her dad, and 50 is absolutely trash...but we’re talking about Dr. fuckin’ Dre, here.

Demi Lovato’s ex bf is likely gay. No straight man is that obsessed over Disney pop singers and I know a “omg it’s because they’re so hot” cover story when I see one. It’s just icing on the closeted cake that he was filming a Christian movie.

“How Pregnant People Are Repeatedly Silenced” says this umpteenth book about pregnancy, pregnant bodies, pregnant people in society, pregnant people’s feelings, pregnant people’s self and social worth... To the risk of sounding petty and bitchy, and as one of the infertile people (A species that barely exists in the

This is such a repeat of the Rosie O’Donnell show days. Anyone that tries to dub themselves the Queen of Nice, Be Kind, etc., is always going to fall from grace because they are people just like all of us.

Money changes everything. One of the first things it buys is shelter from is any criticism from those in your orbit, including the constructive type that keeps you “grounded”. It’s not news to anyone that rich people live in a “reality” that isn’t real. Including the idea that anything and everything you do is just

Let this be a cautionary tale to hipsters everywhere: it all looks like jolly fun riding buses and trains in Southeast Asia: the overcrowding is cute because people wear colorful scarves and bring their own food (and babies!!). But your bowels are not special, so DO try to figure it all out before planning that

If you think people are being paid to support Johnny Depp online you’re mentally ill. 

Oh well by writing that just now!

Yeah it’s incredibly shitty. It reassures other mothers that their children will develop as expected, while doing absolutely nothing to help the parents who most need assistance.

Amber Heard is def also trash, but Depp reminds me of my father. Wildly abusive pill addict who would drink while taking opiates, but put on a gentle, soft-spoken, oh woe is me persona when dealing with anyone outside the family for sympathy. A real star victim of his own creation, and he fully bought his own BS.

Even if that’s the case, he still struck his wife. There is video evidence of that.

Pizzagate just got the address wrong. It was the basement of Buckingham Palace.