
The industry of fashion is inherently racist, sexist, classist, appropriative, and polluting. Street fashion was the only viable alternative until the elites appropriated that, too.

“Meat contamination,” indeed.

Olympic Boxer Accused of Doping Was Just Guilty of Rawdoggin It...”

Colonial Broad is a top-rated diss. It is classy yet scathing.

Jez doesn’t always do the best job of conveying the tone or point of their source material. I read the article this morning and thought it was an interesting look at a trend, AND a corner of the economy that hasn’t been as hard-hit, which is valuable information for people who are out of work (and also investors, true)

I’m not a snob at all about processed foods. My diet is shit and filled with them. But I just can’t with American cheese. It’s clammy/slimy and bland.

Nah they’re still busy reporting shit we already know about ScarJo to start airing out their own dirty laundry. Perhaps we’ll get a Babe-esque expose about them someday. 

Don’t forget, that teenage girlfriend was also definitely experiencing a lot of untreated mental illness at the time.

He tries SO HARD to show how solid his relationship with Jessica Biel is. To me, that screams insecurity. The gestures on Instagram, the long poetic posts....and this MOTHERFUCKER made a career on the infidelity mistakes his teenage girlfriend made. Its sickening.

The problem is she is not black enough. That’s sarcasm by the way.

There are 2 things in Are You Afraid of the Dark that I think about on almost a weekly basis for the past ~28 years:

The episode where the kid gets trapped in an arcade game forever. Oh man. That alarmed me. It’s the only one I remember three decades or whatever later. Super fucking dark ending for children’s television imo.

Her problem is when she stuns someone, they react by trying to grab her stun gun.

This is the problem I have with cops only being given a gun and no other weapons. If they had some sort of spray, or a good whackin stick, or like an electric way to incapacitate someone then they wouldn’t have to always resort to shooting if an unarmed person comes at them. I also think police should have some sort

“I’m cold” -- the one with the little ghost boy who froze to death in the woods.

Adrenaline is part of it; a personality that embraces authoritarianism and thus the idea of someone saying no, resisting, or running away is justification for shooting them, and being drunk with power.

Seriously, she shot her twice in the back as she was fleeing because she feared having her gun taken??

This woman got a medal of valor...for killing someone who was potentially shoplifting at Walmart.

I really struggle to understand how someone riding a scooter turns into a situation where you need to shoot them.

That argument—that a lot of men do “vile, abusive things,” so we’ll necessarily have to find room for them all again—is a little staggering in its laziness, its indifference towards victims, the crudeness of its calculations: There are too many of them not to grant some form of redemption.