
I think they make people look like sharpeis.

Just because you can make money at it, and put effort into it, doesn’t mean it’s not bullshit. I saw some comments saying that hatred of influencers has some basis in misogyny, but can we talk about how influencers just add more levels of bullshit women have to navigate? It was bad enough with people faking perfect

I just want to talk about how much I hate this trend with the all-nude clothes.  I hate the ruched nude bodycon dress, and I doubly hate it with those atrocious nude, ruched fugly boots!  I blame that menace family the Kardashians for making people think all-nude is an acceptable look!  Harrumph!  Get off my lawn!

You mean....

How does one manage to convince themselves that they’re the inflluencer when they’re doing Kim Kardashian cosplay?


Speaking as a parent, I hope her parents are collapsing from pride every 15 seconds or so. Speaking as a human being, Yes. Just yes.

Unions may not be perfect, but they are so far superior to the alternative that it can hardly be expressed in words. The UAW president and cronies skimmed thousands of dollars. They are shits, and they should be better, but it doesn’t begin to compare to the millions skimmed each year by the C-level executives at GM.

“The First Family is very active in water sports.”

I agree. I also fully enjoyed Josey and the Pussycats sponsored by Target.

Maybe the newscaster didn’t have mushroom for discussion. Or he could just be a prick.


So all of them should have something so important, their only communication with the outside, taken away because some have chosen to disregard that? And after what they’ve been through, three-way calling? Seriously? It’s inhuman. I’m sure Trump will be using it in his next speech: “These Mexicans, they’re rapists,

I hope this, or whatever he does next, can wash the bad taste of Jon Snow out of my mouth.

To be fair, most of the people who drink Starbucks also hate coffee. HEYOOOO!

So I worked in a preschool and something the 2 year old classroom used to deal with was moms referring to favorite teachers as their 2 year old son’s “girlfriend”. Like “oh there’s your girlfriend” jokes about crushes etc. My theory was that this was how they made their insecurity at having their baby’s love for

There’s also the footage of Trump yelling in the car before reboarding the plane out of El Paso. He clearly turns to Melania at one point and tells her to shut up. Every morning I wake up sad that he didn’t die in his sleep.

I feel the same way about some black people, how any of us continue to support him is mind blowing but as polls repeatedly show we are too socially conservative for our own good. Any coincidence that both groups strongly identify with Christianity? 

Thumbs up for the orphan!!!"

This wasn’t just terrible policy, it was terrible strategy. The Obama administration ramped up deportations in hopes of appeasing Republicans so they would support immigration reform.