
I think you’re right, that we’re all waiting for each other. You see the effect the citizens of PR and Hong Kong have had, and I have to wonder why we’re not doing the same. We were able to get the Women’s March together nationwide, why can’t we do something similar now?

Living in the U.S. without documentation is a civil violation, not a crime. The U.S. Supreme Court has even said this. You keep saying “broken a law” but this is inaccurate.

They had two shops in Belgium for a while, they went out of business here couple of years ago. I went to their absolutely huge Antwerp flagship store a couple of times- and I marvelled at the clothes, just how awful they were. I’d sometimes see something I liked, and then you have a closer look, look at the material

No, they haven’t. Being undocumented is not a crime, it’s an administrative determination as part of a civil procedure. Even when someone is deported, there’s no verdict or finding of guilt, it’s more akin to having an application rejected (which is often what happens). For someone so stuck on the law, you sure don’t


I am always gobsmacked when I hear “keep you legs shut” as an excuse/ advice or whatever the fuck it is. Like, if that worked, don’t you think women would be savvy to that by now? Do they picture convenience stores, walking around with operating hours, and that we can close the doors with a fucking lock and key? Sorry

If only the preborn baby had a gun to defend itself. 

If it was a legitimate shooting, the body has ways of shutting that whole thing down

I was hoping for something terrible in regards to your pee bags, like someone was outside and you smacked them in the head with one. 

Heirloom measles

I think a better name would be “Heritage Measles”, like the tomatoes.

My son is on the autism spectrum. It angers me so much that idiots think vaccines “cause” autism and that there is something “wrong” with my child that needs to be “cured”. While I did take advantage of services when he was young, my husband and I never sought to change him. He needed practice so he could recognize

As someone with mild autism, my research in psychology and sociology had left me with my own moral standing upon noticing patterns and not just repeated history.

Asking anti-vaxxers tough questions is never a good strategy - they hate being needled.

I agree that we shouldn’t minimize that there are autistic people who aren’t as high-functioning. However, I don’t think the “other side” (which means what exactly, high-functioning autistic people and their allies?) is doing that by telling their personal stories about how autism really doesn’t suck that badly for

I think some of these people are very fearful about things like opportunity and health on the other end of the spectrum. They might persist in pursuing different types of quackery for years because the alternative is dying of old age and leaving an adult child who is still in need of constant care.

I had a serious depressive episode last year that, honestly, started in the last half of 2017 and got far worse before I actually sought help. The most frustrating part afterwards was trying to get people to understand that recovery isn’t an overnight thing. I broke, and all the way through to early this year, I was

I think the point was that the younger sister was younger than her years, and the older sister was, well, older than her years.  They had a tough life, mom died, and younger sister dealt with it by clinging to the things that brought her happiness - pop music, sparkly things, and ultimately a perky talking doll. 

I liked this episode very much. I actually flinched when they kept shoving pills at her. It brought to mind the several times docs have attempted to shove an unwanted SSRI scrip into my hand. For me, the experience felt like being told, ‘take these so you can be what everybody else needs you to be.’ Maybe it seemed

In a world where people have said that a woman shouldn’t be present because she’d PMS and nuke people, the whole idea that the one person with dragons (the kind of literal atomic bombs of Westeros) would then become totally hysterical and crazy and burn down an entire city MAY hit just a little too close to home.