
I wish the lede on this article were more precise. Heard didn’t write about being a victim of Johnny Depp. She wrote about the aftermath of the publicity of her abuse at his hands, specifically the garbage DV deniers and paparazzi intrusions.

He is so indefensible for so many reasons. 

“I have denied Ms Heard’s allegations vehemently since she first made them in May 2016"

*Ocean currents carry Florida South, past Cuba, and eventually around South America, then North again, where it comes to rest on a California Beach

Also the stupid notion that Amy Schumer is not attractive needs to end. It’s quite damaging and only not to her, but to regular women everywhere. Plus it’s not true. Amy Schumer is more attractive than most women. She just is. Maybe not most hollywood women, but a fair percentage of them as well!

Alligator concealed within yoga pants = Florida Hentai.

As someone whose husband has forgotten more than once to feed breakfast to our kid, I want to encourage to ignore everything petitetroit has said (and also getoffmylawn). My husband has been taught his entire life that he can be a dad and husband without having to take care of anyone but himself as long as he can pay

You need to take your MRA bullshit somewhere else. This isn’t about a single situation and MY challenge. Motherhood is untenable because men refuse to “give a shit” about things that are necessary to raise children.

Interestingly my 13 year old is better at remembering that every single time we clean the kitchen that we should wipe down the stove than my husband. She also sees that a baby should get it’s diaper changed as soon as it wakes up from sleeping 10 hours. It’s not a a lack of delegating skills. It’s a lack of ownership

While I agree that ‘picking your battles’ is always wise, reading everything you said gives me the impression that you think men get some kind of handicap - they don’t. They’re just as capable as we are and should be held to the same standards of basic competence. They don’t have to agree on the ‘necessary’ level of

Towards the end of my marriage a therapist (!!!!) actually told me I needed to teach my ex to step up. I was too fucking tired to raise him as if he were another child. Ended up getting divorce which was the Best. Decision. Ever.

Take your MRA shit to someone else. You’re just here to derail a conversation and provide literally nothing useful cause yeah, totally, I need to INVENT notions about how women who are mothers are treated in the workplace because women’s lived experience isn’t enough for you. FOH.

A colleague of mine’s wife went out of town on business and people in our community BROUGHT OVER FOOD FOR HIS FAMILY. My dad was out of town three days a week my entire childhood and no one ever brought us squat.

Maybe you haven’t spent time in the corporate world or in competitive work environments to understand that those “two types of thinking” are commonly held by one person, and that women get judged extremely harshly for either choice by both men AND women. You’re trying to whatabout and both-sides this and you should

I’m not a parent, but my parents were both fully involved in their careers. Neither stepped back. My mother has always out-earned my father by a landslide, but she still did the lion’s share of work in the home and almost all of the child-rearing. Families don’t need someone to step back, they either need someone who

Amen, sis. I’m tired of fluffing egos for no good reason. No one fluffs mine. 

Rock on. I was the breadwinner for a long while in my marriage too, and was expected to keep a clean house, raise our child, and have dinner warm and waiting on the table when my former husband got home, despite the fact that I worked the same full-time hours that he did. He actually asked me to stop celebrating my

Ah, yes. The good old “the solution to male misogyny is to expect their female partners to take on the additional emotional load of teaching men to be adults” response, with an added bonus serving of “living up to the inherent responsibilities of adulthood is actually just a personal preference” nonsense.

i am sorry but no. this works fine when is the dirty dishes in the sink. but when you are a parent you jave responsabilities. you can not care less. you can not lean in pizza and tv.

Agree totally. One of the male professors at my grad school regularly drove his children to and from school. This fact was so shocking and impressive that the school-run news paper wrote an article about it.