
For real. At least the kids go every day, school basically is their job, and preparing to go is part of their everyday rituals. Adults have to drop their everyday lives when the school calls. They’re going to come as they are, not as some pointy-headed administrator who has never spared a single thought for people

I have rolled in to the office while wearing my pjs with a coat over them to drop off forgotten items or sign in a kiddo who just missed the bell more times than I can count. Showing up is showing up, we can’t all be ready and having our best day every time an emergency arises. 

This really pisses me off. It’s bad enough so many schools are going to uniforms, which limit expression and force staff into the role of prison wardens (no hoodies, shirt tucked in, where’s your belt, skirt’s too short). Not to mention uniforms do nothing to hide income disparity because cleanliness, shoes,

When the schools start showing outrage for...bullying victims, child molesting teachers, starving students, crappy teacher’s pay, racism and the death of Kendrick Johnson...then I’ll worry about the dress code.

Unless it’s for safety - dress codes are restrictions of personal freedom and shouldn’t be allowed IMO. “Approriate” dress is dictated by rich, conservative people and it needs to stop. Beyond racism, they’re also classist. 

Dress codes are dumb in most cases. I say most because some work environments actually do require certain clothing items or restrictions on them for safety reasons. If you’re chopping down trees you probably don’t want workers to be wearing flip-flops for example.

As a mother, I don’t care.

I’m sure your dad is great! Mine is awesome too.

So she lost her job, her home, the kids were motherless, she gave birth while being in prison, the bond was only $100 and no one told her, all this because of the entitlement of a guy who wanted the kids so much that he rathers seeing them without a home and a mother.

Ron Jeremy getting a blowjob in a grocery store parking lot.

I had scored incredible seats to Spamalot at the Hollywood Bowl, basically the front tables that are reserved for the elite and wealthy (friend’s friend was wealthy). At this show, Craig Robinson was playing King Arthur and he was hilarious.

During intermission, I go out into the parking lot directly behind the bowl to

I have been in a situation where a restraining order was being requested by a woman against a man where the female officer rolled her eyes and cocked her head as if to say “Really?” It was bad enough that it had to be revisited at a later date with a different officer. I’m not saying all cops are monsters or that in your point about the female cop “definitely being biased to take Heard’s side from the beginning” — NOPE. I have witnessed female cops act just as bad as the males ones under similar circumstances.

Look for the court documents until the end, are on Variety, there are pages and pages of pictures of her with missing hair, bruises, text messages of Depp calling himself lunatic or savage apologizing or his associates that all were informed that he punched her or kicked her or sent messages between each other showing

Have you seen the videos? Are you on the jury? Are you the judge?


Time to get a hobby, Johnny.

Nice burner. 

The shit people (and I use the word “people” in the loosest possible sense) are willing to overlook because they’re being paid is disgusting. 

As a domestic abuse victim, and you know, a non-psychopath, it fucking enrages me to see for how long Johnny Depp’s abuse was coddled by people around him and how many people including his exes, managers, whatever, came out of the woodwork to protect him, lie for him, and excuse his abuse publicly when most of them