
You’re probably right since I did zero research into who Beyonce was playing. 

This list needs more Big Dick Podrick.

I thought that only worked if you had aspirin too.

Oh, close her legs! I bet she’s kicking herself, not thinking of that. Because that’s really all you have to do when someone stronger than you is overpowering you and assaulting you, just close your legs, and then they stop and go away.  Time-tested remedy for sexual assault.  It’s THAT EASY, people.

When others threw out or gave away their vinyl, I kept mine and my turntable. I went some years without listening to any of it. I got it all up and running again a year or two ago.

People like that are actually incapable of being loving partners. They feel that they are inherently better than you. They seek to control & demean to make them feel better about themselves. It’s a warning sign. Stay away from them. 

I’m sorry the person you were when you were younger embarrasses you so much now, but that does not make this album bad, it makes your perspective shallow.

This is why they are now exes. Everyone should be allowed to have whatever dumb likes & hobbies they want to. It’s one thing to lovingly poke fun at a partners interest for which you simply cannot comprehend the appeal. It’s something else entirely to be demeaning to the point of shame.

I heard Mmm-bop in the store a few weeks ago and I was like, you know what? This is a good song. 

I kind of wish those little girls had a cool older sister or aunt who would have hooked them up with Liz Phair instead, but Alanis is definitely better than the mediocre, “be quiet and smile more” conformist nonsense that’s otherwise pushed on women.

All those women and their music helped me get through my divorce in 1996.  That music gave me an outlet to harness my anger and know that I was worth more than how I was being treated.  It isn’t crap music at all.  It served a very real purpose for lots of people, and this author is still stuck in the rut of being

Ok, digression on Radiohead for a second: I was a mopey kid at the time when they were released and my take is suspect, but the run from The Bends in ‘95 to Amnesiac in ‘01 was epic. Four albums in a row and almost no filler/skippable tracks. Not everything was a single, but none of it was meh.

Funnily enough, I had the same opposite reaction to acts like Hanson. It was cool to like Hanson for a hot year and then you had to hate their guts because they were banal, “not real”, and “some stupid boy group”.

or Marilyn Manson being the kid from Wonder years?  Or Marilyn Manon have ribs surgically removed for ... reasons?

I think my wife might consider MONSTER TRUCK SHOWS a guilty pleasure, but neither of us use the term so hmm. 

There are very few albums from this era that hold up.

The other day, my husband said to me, “I decided not to try to reason with you about buying Jagged Little Pill on vinyl and bought what was in our Amazon cart.” I gave him a pitying look and said, “It is an amazing album. You’ll see.You’ll see.

Is it possible your husband ruined it for you with his attitude?  My ex made me hate things I loved by ridiculing me/them.  

I don’t agree with your take. I saw Alanis in concert last summer and she rocked all the songs from Jagged Little Pill and it absolutely still holds up. 

As a kid that hit middle school a year after this album came out, Jagged Little Pill felt like the first time I had permission to be ANGRY or disgruntled.