
Except isn’t this...buying your kid a place above other, probably more well deserving, kids? I assume the school doesn’t care what the grades and test scores are, but in a world where access is based off ranking, it’s impossible to believe that there weren’t kids with better scores, or the same scores but better

I knew a guy who called his kid Aragorn.

And this was long BEFORE the movie was made and made LOTR cool...

the reality is, his gifts will pay for many many administrators.

I don’t have a problem with it, but he is completely tone deaf to be bragging about how his daughter got in on her own merits.  I mean she may very well be qualified, but when you have $70 million backing your application, it is hard to claim that you “got in on your own.”

To reply to 2 of your posts:

I would happily be named after a video game character

Let’s touch base offline.  Are you free Monday between lunch and the mandatory vag steam?

If there’s no a built in egg-catcher, I feel like the company is not fully synergized.  

I have a lot of respect for her after watching that interview, and it’s clear John Oliver did too. Clinton was laughed at, but a lot of it was lol, men will be men. Lewinski was absolutely eviscerated in the press and on tv - I can see how someone could easily be driven to suicide by the sheer relentlessness of it

I saw so many fucking comments from people supporting her decision to not vaccinate on Instagram, including Kandy Johnson, and she didn’t correct them and say she wasn’t an anti-vaxxer at the time. She spread misinformation that vaccines are detrimental to public health. Hey, at least the puns on all her lipstick

“like a nerd” = “by believing every conspiracy theory I stumbled across

I don’t want you to get sticked or nothing.

As someone who works in abortion providing clinics, I read that as Lindy clunkily admitting that her white privilege carried a lot of water in her interaction over the phone. People who cannot pay for their abortions are obviously super low income; in many places those folks are people of color. People of color

I mean, it kinda sounds to me like Tyra was seriously traumatized by Naomi’s bullying, and hasn’t fully processed it, even all these years later. I feel like Naomi saying “it’s not that deep” is actually not true at all. This is a person who clearly suffers from some major psychological issues, and rather than take

When a guy named Bubba the Love Sponge is telling you you’ve gone too far and sounds more reasonable than you, you know it’s bad. Also, guys like Tucker see teenage girls as their future 3rd wives. When you think of them as a few years off from being your next trophy wife, it’s a easy to sexualize them. 

But if you have a baby, you can’t be the baby

Depp really isn’t doing himself any favors here. Heard obviously doesn’t have that kind of money and unlike him she’s got no reputation for being a drunk or violence. As for The Pirates Of The Caribbean firing - they were going to re-boot it anyway. All of the other big name actors have left and Jack Sparrow got tired

Using a lawsuit to accuse someone of cheating on you with a(nother) celebrity sounds exactly like something an innocent man just trying to clear his name would do...

Donating is beautiful but that’s such an insane overstep of boundaries. As someone that with postpartum compacted with the pressure of other people telling me how to parent led to me being afraid to be a mother and with so much shame I ended up in the hospital. The mommy debates are a lot more than sahm vs working

An aside - I tip my hat to any mom out there just trying to survive the day to day trials of parenting because JESUS TAP DANCING CHRIST are the “mommy wars” fucking ridiculous and toxic. It seems like no matter what decision you make, you’re gonna get blowback from some asshole who thinks she hacked parenting.