
It reminds me more of a dude with a beer belly asking for another Bud Light.

If ever a job says they’ll “treat you like family”, run fast and run far.  That means they’ll expect you to work overtime without getting paid, do jobs that are outside your position, and generally be awful.  Because family should be able to lean on family, amirite?

I can't believe I had to scroll all the way to the bottom until I found a comment about maternity leave. It's just surreal to me, a non-american, that people go back to work so soon after having a baby. But americans are so used to it, it doesn't even enter the conversation. Instead everyone is upset she  couldn't

a product that says, “I like to waste money and poop my pants.”

Over a year later and *still* no option to block channels from appearing in your recommendations or searches.

I want Paris Hilton to be the Leo Dicaprio for women. Don’t marry and only date young models also the alpaca in that pic is smiling, how cute 

I think the blackface thing is a pretty big stretch here.  That being said, I feel that the world is a better place without these shoes in it because they are sinfully ugly.

I think the blackface thing is a stretch here but pulling these monstrosities is still going to make the world a better place.

I know I’m never going to be famous, but man if I was social media would be the last thing I’d be doing. Shit’s toxic enough as it is for a boring-ass middle-aged person.

Mr Potato Head fans?

I saw the black face reference in the Gucci sweater, I don’t see it here. I’ve never been into evil eye or lip print styles, but this strikes me more as a design in that style than something that could be considered mockery.

blackface or not, they’re hideous looking.  honestly, who would buy & wear those??????

It feels like this is being done on purpose. Honestly, like it’s a world wide game show. It’s just so many things in a row I can’t help but feel punked. Who is left in the universe that can still look at that shoe and say “yep. Thats a winner”. Jesus H.

Those sure are ugly. 

Puerto Rico, DR, USA, Brazil, etc we are all of African descent.

I would like to think that the man was just trying to navigate a dangerous situation, risking his own freedom to help a young girl, but... truly this story crystalizes a terrible truth: when you are already vulnerable, when you are already victimized, talking about it is the very thing that sets you up for the next

I mean. He’s a white guy. He’s admitting that he was racist, was ashamed of it, got mental health help and no is urging other white people to admit they have a problem and fix it rather than pretending they never have racist thoughts. That is white people should be doing.

Linguistics major here. The whole point of grammar is clarity. We all recognise “dumb/smart at” and it’s meaning, and it is widely and commonly used, so it’s fine. “Dumb when it comes to” is also fine, but while it might be better grammatically, it’s kinda clunky.

I mean language is always changing and shifting anyways. Like, “good at” and “bad at” are used now in ways that they likely weren’t in the past. “I am good at math” uses “good” in a totally different way than “I am a good person”. “I perform well at math” became “I am good at math”. And that’s not wrong now. I don’t

Thanks, Mom.