
lots of people who watched this also did not grow up during a time when choose your own adventure books were a big thing.  It was ok so long as you understood that going back and making new choices after old ones were made (and failed) is part of the experience.  If that is something you don’t have a history of, it

And also, people talking about “spreading their wings” is pretty common. It doesn’t immediately register to me as Buddhist. It’s just one of those things people say, Lindsay.

I’ve handled a few “names” in my line of work and have noticed a phenomenon where people become so used to everyone around hanging on their every word that they start making declarations to the room instead of holding actual conversations. It’s so weird to watch.

Christ. Kylie looks like she’s 35. 

I guess I’m alone in saying....I like it! It looks natural and spontaneous (even if it wasn’t?) unlike the way we see the Ks most of the time. The kids are all gorgeous, (and it’s sad that probably many of them will be sucked into the plastic surgery merry go-round and lose their natural beauty.) But right now, I

Well perhaps maybe it’s time to do The Honorable thing and remove yourself from society preferably by taking a permanent dirt bath.

No, it really doesn’t. There are many, many people who I can objectively say are attractive that I’m not sexually attracted to, but thanks for the confirmation that enough men view women foremost as sexual objects that you think it’s normal. That’s great, thanks. 

Yeah...that guy is fuckin pedo.

If you are attracted to children get the help that you need and don't paint us all with the same brush.

Every time I read a story about Allen it reinforces my policy of never seeing a Woody Allen film.

For some men, the only way to have interaction with women is to go to an article about Woody Allen and say some extremely creepy shit in the comments.

In my early 20s I watched a few in my bid to watch a lot of film classics. I thought they were wildly overrated and I’m pleased to see the shine is finally coming off. 

To recap: Cis man observes conversation about predatory behavior and chimes in to remind us he’s one of them. For he must be acknowledged constantly, even as a villain. Got it.

There’s also that line in Annie Hall where Allen’s character’s friend, who bails him out of jail, is whining that he interrupted him during a threesome with two 17 yr old twins. Like ewwwwwwww. Just why was this accpetable?!Why?! Why?! Why?!

Ooo look we found the one that is attracted to teenagers

Almost like she was passed around between pedos and deviants. 

This is why I get so pissed off when people say Dylan is the only one who has accused him of molestation. One, how many people have to accuse you of molestation before it counts? Two, Woody has a history of being icky and messing with underage girls. He’s a certified creep. 

Do they make Listerine for my brain?


What year is this? How are these fucking pageants still a thing??