
I run New Vegas on an old Dell with an old NVIDA 420GTX card, and run 60fps, how the hell are you not getting it? have you tried the 4gig mod, or how about the ENB boost setup? It took me a while to get it running, but i can run it on near ultra settings without a problem. There’s also a shitton of stuff for crashing.

“Konami was such a drag, always making the same games with the same names. But then one day, it goes off and kills it’s best IP! Couldn’t even be original about how it did it either... But Kojima will be coming back, and he’ll be bringing his new ‘toys’ with him.”

This has essentially erased all interest I have in Konami. No more money for you!

Konami, Kojima produces or I don’t buy. The choice is yours.

this is why dc characters are boring...

Ahem. You forgot Xenogears. You bastuds.

children. lots of children play this game.

i thought purple man was day shift guy. who gets let go in the pre-sequel

There's a bill filed in the Texas House docket for this upcoming session that would ban the use of these cameras. I'm interested to see where it goes.

finally! Something interesting to be done with the Vita!

Mortal Kombat.

While people are bitching about exclusivity, i want to know more about the Marvel vs Capcom like air combos and the SF Alpha like combo activation Ryu used! Shit looks HYYYPPPEE!

"Remember when Mariah Carey could sing? Partridge Farm Remembers."

I liked exodus. Some of the songs were produced by timbaland before he went all crazy! Devil inside was memorable.

correct me if I'm wrong but this number doesn't seem very strong. Am I overestimating the price point for an average Chinese citizen? Maybe i think the market hasn't been penetrated well-enough in terms of home consoles...

Persona 4 golden is there— so it HAS to use vita

Invincibility frames = Dodge.

at this point, ican honestly say i don't care anymore. And this is coming from someone who was stupid enough to buy a ps3 at the start of its life cycle for ff13. Ask me how that shit went.

I was hoping for more info on Persona 5 at TGS!

What fixes a bad attitude? Where i'm from, a good old fashioned ass-whipping. Too bad the community is wrapped in anonymity and uses it to their advantage like cowards.