
I’ve been playing fallout 76 since the beta and I’ve only encountered a few bugs. Mostly with the storage of camp builds which was easy to fix by melting down the stored mini blueprints and getting the pieces back. It just fills your build bad and doesn’t explain why it’s still full. The latest patch also fixed the

That's funny, isn't Shadman also partnered with a total NSFW server? Or he *was* but that was last year.

Lemme get in on that! I have tha rath armor and was wondering how to get Azurstarlord after seeing someone else with it 2 days ago!

Now playing

I pulled this move off a few weeks ago, got 3 players, including the enemy lucio. Here’s a link to the short cut of that.


As a pharah player I can respectably say, DVA deserves that debuff— she’s so big she SHOULD BE eating my rockets and having to run from me.

I thought it was Kinbaku... and that shibiri was a slang term; Kinbaku seems more directly artistically related to the rope binding, while this is leaning more on the cosplay, so maybe the name is suited.

I haven’t adjusted for season 3, but when I was solo queuing in 2, I was about to crack platinum. Started playing with a team halfway into the season but realized too late I was the support carry. Think I ended like at 2555 but highest was just under 3000.

i play competitively as a solo. but im probably not the norm. I make teams from people who are online at the time, that’s it. otherwise, no biggie.

Mahvel is back baby!

I wont be downloading any of these. Sorry. Sony is just trying to push people like me to PC.

It’s live on consoles

You care about “optics” when considering the weight of dystopia vs what nature intended?

as a fan, and contributor to the genre, i can say that was was some serious shade. daaaamn. lololol

Spoke with a few content creators about the potential for mods on PS4. Doesn’t seem like scripts will be allowed either— so you might get a few vanilla house mods or a new location, but it won’t matter without being able to set up events. The community is NOT happy.

As a Mercy player, this saddens me— as i had quite a few play of the games during the free trial and now i really want to buy it and continue the fight.

i AM part of the modding community via the Nexus for New Vegas AND Skyrim .The problem is that sometimes, my WIFE wants to play while i work. Also— I’m pulling that number based on the trending status on facebook. Since you cant aggregate that number, I’m just using it as a base assumption that people ‘posting’ about

27,000 Players is a small number?

all registrations have been stopped. Servers are totally overwhelmed. Wow!

OMG, it’s not just me who notices that shot-for-shot Nuka World LOOKS JUST LIKE THE INTRO to NEW VEGAS?! Wow! I’m Hype, and WOW, skyrim looked amazing~. I hope that’s not on “neo” tec. lol.