
She is probably trying to prevent putting a strain on her prop.


My argument still stands though— Same fucking thing happened with myspace. Legacy doesnt mean shit if someone builds a site that rips the old videos from youtubes account and sets them up somewhere else.

Steam has nothing to do with my argument against microsoft or gamestop.

FUCK YOU— I just got that song out of my head this morning! 3 days of that fucking song. To your credit, i can continue to drive the wife nuts by singing it again.

Most of them wont leave? I beg to differ, just like Myspace, there will be a new kid on the block— all that was needed was a catalyst for exodus. This will work nicely.

Dan Bull's been doing Youtube and Google diss raps for a straight up minute. He's pretty legit. Poor guy's also losing his hearing.

Fuck microsoft and gamestop. You're paying them to take your money twice.

Nah... Exposing an individual to a stimuli over and over, then expecting them to consider it abnormal when you test them over the same stimuli again is totally scientific, right?

"Nobody wants to be a-Luigi"

No. They fucked that up too on the 3ds.

Dear Crapcom,

Crapcom took all the money they'd made in Monster Hunter subscriptions and then put it into mobile/f2p.

I feel you. Crapcom and Square-pEnix are really fucking it up.

Just for that— I'm done with Square-Enix. Japanese companies like Capcom and SquareEnix are fuckin' wack lately. My money can easily go elsewhere— like Steam.

mario's been beating the shit outta everyone since 1986.

Oh wow! He got stun-locked!

I have a little cousin that just started playing the NES (yes, i still have mine connected to a tv) and he couldn't figure out to go the right even after pressing all the buttons for a few minutes.

Heh— Cowboys seems to be most people's nightmare scenario, even if it's unrealistic.

Gamer Content Creators on Youtube reply to Youtube and Google: "Go fuck yourselves."