
I always set my alarm a little early, just so I can snooze a couple of times. I know in my head that I'm actually getting less sleep. But at the time, it feels like I'm getting more. This is kind of how I view DST.

To be fair, I don't think this is going to solve anything or even worth the trouble of implementing it. I just think that "people will bitch and moan" is a crappy reason to not do something because people will bitch and moan about any change.

Except people bitch and moan about Daylight Savings Time because it no longer serves a purpose. Not because of the change because most people who experience it grew up experiencing it. Furthermore, if people are bitching and moaning about it, they're usually doing it in the spring because they're tired from lack of

Well, it's only a reasonable time zone because it's the time zone you're used to. It's not inherently better. Yeah people would bitch and moan if this happened, but that's true of pretty much any change you make to a common social standard. There's a long period of fuss and complaining by people who don't like change

But that's assuming that everyone goes to work at 0900. But that's not what anyone's saying. They're saying that some people will go to work at 0900, while some will go to work at 1000 and some will go to work at 0100.

Actually, the bot in the hologram refers to the POV character as a girl a couple of times.

Yeah, I kinda don't get why people don't think this made sense. Ann always had terrible taste in men. She dated a character called The Douche, for christ sake.

I understood that reference!

But isn't the real takeaway from this that text-based communication ISN'T alienating us? That instead of our emotional lives withering and dying due to lack of meaningful connection, our brains have found a way to keep those connections alive in our new communication methods? It doesn't say that we can't process

Wow, this looks so much better than both the redesigns we got on the new series.

In Jimi's defense, a guy known for setting his guitar on fire probably wouldn't want to be hydrogen.

Now I understand why they're so eager to drop the "Teenage Mutant" part of the name, because these dudes clearly look like they're in the late thirties, early forties.

Seriously, it's the lips that are creeping me out the most.

It seems really obvious to me that he doesn't speak English because he's made to fix spaceships, not deal with people. Why would you waste computing space on something it's rarely going to do?

It's clearly Manos.

Then it's too bad that pitch dark makes me terribly anxious. If I can't see my hand in front of my face, my brain is going to dream up a bunch of other things that I can't see in front of my face.

I kept waiting for a scene where Olaf melts and Anna reprises "Do You Want to Build a Snowman?" for Elsa to bring him back. I was so certain we were going to get a reprise of this song. I'm glad I wasn't the only one.

But isn't the point of the article that the next domino in line will not only be dangerously incomprehensible but also incomprehensibly dangerous?

But surely the whole point of the technological singularity is that any attempt at understanding it before it happens is impossible, isn't it?

I'm not getting the sense that the article is trying to sell us that death and destruction are a sure thing. It's just saying that they're a very real and likely possibility. And that people should be aware of that possibility when reading about and discussing ASI and the Singularity.