
Trump Derangement Syndrome.

99% chance they have a fake certificate that they got for a fee. It’s trivially easy to find someone to sign off on your emotional support animal request regardless of your actual needs, or lack thereof.

You know what Ghandi said.

The Maginot Line did exactly what it was intended to do, it funneled the Germans into a predictable path that the French could easily defend.

Now playing

It varies from country to country. The US made them with light armor, and frequently open tops, to emphasize to the crew that they were not supposed to be tanks and they were not supposed to ACT like tanks.

I know right? Kicking a criminal out of your country is the EXACT same thing as murdering millions of people for the crime of existing!!!!! We need a new Nuremburg trial now!!!

Gotta get those sweet outrage dollars.


Amusingly, I’m 99.9% certain it’s not a “firearm” so...

I’ll take 2. And you might want to wipe that froth off your chin.

A lot of people, not all far right, will still hold the Democrats at fault for holding 300 million citizens hostage for the benefit of 800,000 people who are ultimately not citizens.

As the other guy pointed out, people born here have citizenship and are under no threat.

Mindless outrage. You don’t belong here if you don’t have it.

Welcome to the new Democratic party.

This. Holding 300 million citizens hostage for less than a million non-citizens is insane. DACA should be passed, but the entire country shouldn’t be fucked over if it isn’t.

They voted to re-open the government because the polls were showing that people were, correctly, blaming the Democrats for the shutdown instead of the Republicans.

Absolutely disgusting. I’ll bet you do it for procreation too!!!

Enjoying fantasies is never immoral.