Jeep until it MHz

Oh imagine the dojinshi that will be made, I doubt the creators will approve.

Nintendo is way out of line with this scheme, it is “say good things about us and give us a cut or we’ll dmca your ass”. What is next sending cease and desists to forums and article unless they get paid and editorial rights over content and discussion or are they already doing that?

What no utility belt?

I don't think these principles apply to soft armor BUT on a pure comfort level having your breasts spread like that might not be best for sneaking around, wouldn't a sports bra type of fit be more comfortable for the poor girl?

I think with all the layers in the design there could be a stretchy material connecting the overlapping pieces to allow movement.

It will be a Central Tire Inflation System with leak stop injector!

Sweet, yeah they were supposed to help not laugh while I deal with sketchy autozone coil compressors

I lifted my cherokee myself, wait does it count as by my self if I was accompanied to two useless assholes who couldn't even be bothered to get me a new beer?

Damn your editing skills!

I never really cared much for 911's but now I do, very much so.


Boogie2988 put it best.

Chat on twitch or live YouTube is one gnarly train wreck, I was watching the Tek and one guy kept spamming swastikas and anti semitic shit.

Game streaming? Yes, I just watch the Wan show on twitch.

I don't know this one feels more Kubelwagen than jeep.

I hate jeep now more than ever, they make these beautiful creations then go "hey you guys said you'd rather have a new cross-over right? OK!"

Youtube doesn't do nearly enough for its content creators, it lets people pull down a video at any moment with these copy right claim and even if the counter claim is won the channel is still in "bad standing" with youtube how does that make any sense?

this such a cruel tease.

Heard about this on the radio and wished i was on 680 rather than 880, I would have loved to see a high speed pursuit.