Jeep until it MHz

I jumped in with smaller series like "Pretty Deadly, I loved it and found out Kelly Sue DeConnick writes Captain Marvel so I checked that out and kept branching out from there. I am doing the same going from Spider Gwen to the Spider verse story line.

In California you can check a vehicles smog history on the BAR's website which is useful for looking at cars on craigslist.

Every quote from Miyazaki is how much he hates new things and what not so it makes you wonder if he is stifling things in the studio. I wish they would just make what they want to make rather than what would be "good to make" which sounds like saying something that sells.

Thanks, I'll look into it, it gets really annoying how powerful those damn plants are they kill me in no time.

Lol, Jeremy bullied.

I'm totally for consuming human flesh, the priest never lives.

lol, I was in Belathors shop and he only had like 2!

I think that was it right there, even if you try to be "good" everyone might still be ungrateful bastards and things are more grey. It's not like bioshock were you save the little girls or cave their skulls in you know.

Nah, I prefer 3rd person most of the time, first person for looting and aiming the bow.

Well no CTD but not much more salt eaither I'll have to figure that out.

I feel ya, haven't finish FO3 or new Vegas, the way the head and body are locked in third person bugs the crap out of me.

yup doing this again.

Downloading more salt now, wish me luck.

I am going to play Witcher 2 I just have this weird thing about playing games in order. I started to play ME3 but got annoyed at all the past references I was supposed to get then I got the FFxiii series but just got to the open bit of xiii-1 and had enough for the time being.

I am going to search for that mod right now.

I've got so many mods into NMM I just don't want to rebuild my skyrim again.

So install 50 mods start Skyrim then CTD then figure out which mod caused it?

same here , what mods are you running?

No upgrades, though I might get a 980 or amd 3 series after that comes out.

Is that the same girl who played with Katy perry?