all of those should have gone to call for clunkers and save some people some heart ache and money.
all of those should have gone to call for clunkers and save some people some heart ache and money.
Just giving you grief, I dream of crushing my xj almost daily.
A Name for my Jeep just hasn't come to me yet but it has many nick names like "that horrible piece of shit" and "that crap can outside that won't pass smog until I spend $200 on parts every four years".
You sold your XJ to cash for clunkers? You are despicable, unless is was equipped with the GM 2.8 v6 and a Peugeot 5 speed.
But that is for manufacturing, you can't roll up in your MQB golf and yell "I would like this to be a passat now please."
I never really cared about vr for games because I never saw a compelling use case until I saw Star Citizen I want vr for the flight sim bit. It would be totally awesome while in a dog fight to check your surroundings or instruments by actually turning your head. I think that might be graphically less intensive on a…
Also missing from the list is Supreme Leader, Dear leader and The Great Leader.
Then they bring down the hammer on a little tire squeeling because they see it as the same as racing.
The tops of the feet aren't that bad but what ever you do don't let your artist go into your toes!
I am still a little skeptical about those track pads for look in first or third person.
I don't think so, must likely for steam in hike streaming so you don't need another pc.
that would be crazy awesome but the simple stuff like rpm speed and maybe an arrow for directions would be great. Just look at how much work it was to get the info already known to the bike piped into your ear.
1989 Cherokee, not a classic but after driving it for nearly five years I can take on any old car and be fine. The shortcomings of an old vehicle are most apparent after riding/driving a newer car, you find out what you are missing. For instance the noise in my jeep on long trips is terrible even before I had mud…
I don't think devs need to see this as a mandatory checklist but more like a where applicable deal. Have a large cast? make it diverse and not like a clan rally but Joe brought his big breasted wife along. These aren't the eight commandments of Sarkeesian just pretty damn good points.
you obd-ii people have it easy, code readers can be had for cheap, when I need to diagnose anything the multi meter has to come out and I can spend hours testing resistances, voltage and grounds on my renix fuel injection.
I'm a sucker for nice variants but I just wasnt into that one.
So why should you care if me and my developer friends are able to stay employed? Because it directly translates to better games for you.